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Naming rule update
There has been a bit of an issue recently that I'll like to adress:

Naming Rules
1 - No names copying characters from popular media, games, etc.

2 - No names with numbers or special characters. (I.e., 'Duke Nuk3m 123'.) The only exception would be for diacriticals[1] in appropriate names. Mechanations can, within reason, use numbers in their names (for example, listing their model number or something else like that).

3 - Names should be actual names, not names based on single words or nouns. (I.e., No characters named 'Shadow' or 'Sexy'.)

4 - Don't give your weapons inappropriate names. (I.e. calling your weapon "Pelvic Thrust&quotWink

I signalled rule 4 because there has been an issue revolving around it- Long story short, a GM found the OOC name of someone as inappropriate and after some debate had it changed.

This topic isn't to question right or wrong, or argue about that decision-It is not my place to argue. My suggestion is simply to update rule 4 to include character nicknames, as well, if the GMs agree that such names/nicknames should be against the rules as well, that is all Smile
They pulled the card 'I can name my Alias literally "I touch butts" because naming rules don't specifically tell that it applies to Aliases.' That activates my hidden, faced down spell card:

[Image: unknown.png]

It's joke, don't kill me.

Also, that's just a wiki oversight. If you see rule 1, anything a GM or Dev says is the law. So there goes that. I don't think there was a room for them to contest at all. I think there's also a small warning on Alias changing that if you input stupid shit, you'll expect a GM hammering you down, so really, it's all on their own fault there for lacking common sense.

[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
It should really be common sense for people to not do that anyway.
[Image: 400px-Nihilus%2C_the_Abyssal_Flame.gif]
Ending 145: Disappointed in Humanity

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