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Polearm Expertise and Unarmed Combat
Alright folks, it's me again. This time I bring up two talents which work quite awkwardly when compared to the others.

Quote:- Blade Expertise's Reliability grants bonus Hit and Durability reduction for nothing but simply wielding a Sword or a Dagger.
- Axe Expertise's Deadliness grants bonus Critical and Critical damage for nothing but simply wielding an Axe.
- Marksmanship's Volley and Wind Read both grants Attack Range and reduces Farshot Penalty to both Guns and Bows.
- Archery's Close Shot reduces the melee penalty on Bows.

Those above are all useful, and solid. Then it comes the ones I find weird, and should probably be changed:

Quote:- Unarmed Combat's Dizzy reduces 5/2.5/1.25 FP from the enemy if you basic hit them, and, depending on their armor type.
Quote:- Polearm Expertise's Thin Tip increases damage by 7.5 if you do an attack from the front.

Now my concerns:

Quote:Dizzy is never being used at all so it's a solid waste of 4 Talent Points if you invest on it, since Fist weapons do not have any skill attributed to them that allows them to constantly go for Hit versus Evade checks (i.e, 'basic hitting skills'), like Hanging from Black Knight does, or Sidecut from Duelist. Because of it, the talent never sees any uses.

Quote:Thin Tip requires you to strike from the front, which will 99.9% of the time be met with a parry, which will gimp the damage you deal by 50% or 75%, depending on the parry type. And all of this hassle for nothing but 7.5 bonus damage? It's not really worth at all. Especially when Polearms are known and made to be weapons with high Hit ratio, but low power and damage.

And for solutions:

Quote:Dizzy's FP reduction should be changed to apply on every damage instance done by a Fist weapon, and only work on Unarmored. The Light Armor and Heavy Armor should be immune to this. This honestly, could give Fists a new role in combat. To punish people who don't use proper armor to fight.

Quote:Thin Tip is a more straightforward request, instead of a tiny damage buff, can it just inflict Guard Break for 3 rounds at a (SR * 10)% chance if your attack is parried by any source? Once again, it would give Polearms too, an unique role to punish people who hide their backs against the wall and just sit there parrying and returning oodles of big damage. This also would justify and enhance for the best, the Polearm weapons's overall bad performance and status.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
I agree to this idea on changes; it can give a bit more of a boost in term of things when entering combat against whomever; especially in term of spears so that it holds it own in that degree.
I disagree with the comments about fists, not only does MA innately gain hit with fists, but monk gains a large enough crit boost with fists to make them more than viable for basic hitting, and dizzy applying to every instance of damage on a fist attack is just going to get ridiculous with Regenschaur and Rapid kick removing 7+ instances of FP each time, this could easily lead up to a singular ability removing 40+ FP from somebody, which is more than anything ritual sword or blue steal can do and they're specialized for draining FP.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
I think it wouldn't really matter much since this will only affect people with unarmored torso, but at the same time, it will make Verglas and Boxer overshadow Monk in this regard, since Monk doesn't really have a multi-hitting skill. Could make it only proc once per damage instance. Like Flottement does.

I just want Dizzy to actually do something outside of 'ye olde'. Since you don't really get to make it become significant due to how most of Martial Artist and its promos revolve around using autohits.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
Dizzy has niche uses, such as denying Dark Eyes.

Thin Tip is the only damage boost from talents for weapons; it being conditional is intended. The idea that it should give you a 15% damage boost for 3 rounds against any enemy that parries is way too powerful, not to mention way too PvP oriented.
Dizzy's uses are niche but way too specific, in that case. I still think it could be better, if you're not really intending to change it significantly. (Perhaps making it reduce more FP (double?) on critical hits could help, since as I've stated, fists are pretty crappy to crit naturally, when compared to swords and such. Especially without the crutch of Monk.)

And I agree. I might have gotten greedy with that idea, but, I just couldn't really think about a way to make attacking from the front any rewarding for such tiny boost on damage. (It's just 7 damage) It's already way too risky to go upfront of someone and attack, and Polearms have no semblance of potency to do so and not get the user outright wrecked on the enemy's turn if they're wielding any other type of weapon.

Can't it just be changed to fully ignore the damage reduction from parries whenever they trigger at a (SR*10)% chance, or whatever? Or maybe make it reduce an extra (SR) durability from the enemy's weapon if a parry is made.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
I don't think it needs to be anything so impactful. It's fine the way it is as far as I'm concerned.
Understood. Though, just for future reference. Where do you prefer the 'impactful' things to be at?

Class Skills? Talents? Traits? Equipment? I never got to know which or where is the proper way to suggest the more insane things.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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