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Strength, Crits and Weapons
Why not allow Strength to give critical damage for BASIC ATTACKS only? No autohits... Just Basic attacks.
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water
I still feel, same as Spo, that the flat damage add might be for the best.(melee weapons only, maybe bow) To basic attacks only. I do not know if thats possible, but maybe increase power, but also only for basic attacks, so stuff like ramapge get more armor shredding but anything else might be too much. you can actually reach 80Scaled str in battle without any too big problems.

My joke build that I made with full strength and crit damage easily dished out 200 Damage a pop with a critical chaser on a tank already, and I didn't even go all out, having a muliplier in it increased by another 30-40% is not a good idea, at all. While I still believe that this issue exists mainly because of Lightning badges critical effect, it's still something to take into account.

Also probably better to wait after trait rework, who knows what Dev ties to strength requirements.
Perhaps change two-hand's bonus to be +10% regardless of weight, and add +2% to two-hand's bonus for every 10 scaled strength the user has?
[Image: 7y3oPuY.png]
"Sawrock"' Wrote:Perhaps change two-hand's bonus to be +10% regardless of weight, and add +2% to two-hand's bonus for every 10 scaled strength the user has?
This would cause some problems in damage scaling from certain conduiz weapons. And by problems, I mean they'd be much stronger.
Fair enough, point taken.
[Image: 7y3oPuY.png]
Changing two hand to buff strength wouldn't be wise I would think, but I wouldn't be completely against it.

Saw's suggested change would actually nerf a lot of conduiz builds as most of them already benefit from +20% SWA already with a minor buff to those that can't reach 20 weight.
"Miller"' Wrote:Changing two hand to buff strength wouldn't be wise I would think, but I wouldn't be completely against it.

Saw's suggested change would actually nerf a lot of conduiz builds as most of them already benefit from +20% SWA already with a minor buff to those that can't reach 20 weight.
Currently if you want to use conduiz Raijin, Hisen or Sogensara while taking full advantage of the 2H talent, you need to use Huge Blade. As you know, this carries a -10 penalty to hit and crit.

(The Wiki base weight for Sogensara is incorrect, by the way.)

I don't think the change would be game-breaking, but it is worth pointing out that this is one of several things that would be impacted.
My bad then; I forgot Conduiz took up the ore slot.
I'd rather not make STR give bonus damage to basic attacks. Basic attacks are already pretty damn good.

If anything, STR just needs a larger footprint in scaling, or a suggestion I dismissed a long while ago which was to make STR give a little HP. I'll look into it after the trait rework.
I can get behind STR giving some HP, currently duelists who don't build STR get to get away with a lot of stats, it'd certainly create a divide where melee duelists can survive a bit longer if they build STR, and other damage dealers can remain squishier but have more specialized stats as a result, I'm all for it.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]

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