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Why we should kill ALL humans
#1 if we kill them all there's nothing for the snekmen to raep less raep is good
#2 Less Worship of Mercala means less Surprise Inquisitions
#3 Culling the Human population would make it harder for Vampires to yanno be Vampires
#4 if all humans are dead then we don't have to deal with the mage guild over charging for teleports with their damn favoritism cards EVERY CARD SOLD IS ANOTHER MURAI THE REST PAY IN TAXATION
#5 Humans are fun to burn
#6 humans age, game is 50+ ic years going now, humans should be dead if made at begininz
#7 Humans have no fluffy tail. No humans, no interspecies breeding, more fluffy tail.
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#8 Humans are godless heathens that don’t have a patron, they all worship a boobloli
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[Image: unknown.png]
This thread is now hijacked by PURE HUMANITY
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Here is the reasons why You should consider humans!
1. Vampires still can be made from non-humans, and especially those of Patron Gods.
2. Mage Guilds is maintained by humans, and without Mage Guilds. The Portals will start to collapse, and we can enter a period of blackout!
3. Doriads are better burning material than humans.
4. Without humans, how are Kaelensians going to get their pet? It is not the same if they're petted by anything else.
5. Couple of Patron Gods are dead, and deceased.
6. Kaelensians' patron gods are literal animals. Be afraid they might go full furry soon.

7. be very afraid.
8. 80 years to live? Enough time to chew bubblegum, and kick arse.
9. The Gods modified your own kind. They took your beautiful form - AND VIOLATED IT WITH THEIR OWN CORRUPTIONS. So that you will obey them with not even a hint of protest. You are a slave to their whim. You are the tiny cog that will do their job to help the Gods in their War of Gods! Wake up!
[Image: XDo90hy.png]
Considering humans?
10. We don't need a patron God. Every other race has some Patron God to watch over them. Be they dead or alive - at some point or another they existed. Humans have, somehow, someway, been able to fight on the same level without that. They don't need a deity watching their back because they're just that fucking good on their own.

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