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When choosing a duelist promoted class these days, the choice isn't very difficult. Ghost is cool and all, but nowhere near as powerful as Kensei.

The issue with Kensei, is not the attacks, nor the Absolute skills. It's the innates. Hit, crit, evade, and crit evade have been having a lot of issues as of recent and I, personally, believe Kensei is at the center of many of those problems. Ghost sees much less use than it used to, and duelist sees quite a bit more use than it should, being almost absolutely necessary to have any hope of a chance at PvP with basic attack based characters.

To clarify, the innates I'm talking about are Sakki, Touki, Kenki and Yomidori.

I'm not sure if there's really a good way to handle these as far as nerfing anything goes, but I'd like to suggest a creative way to solve the problem: Only allow one of these four skills to be taken, then the others are locked off. Alternatively, one of the three (Sakki, Touki, Kenki) and Yomidori cut down to half the current effectiveness. This would take Kensei down to an appropriate level in my mind.
[Image: XVa5SaQ.png]
I think those should only apply when you're in melee range, pretty much like Oracle.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
I like kunai's suggestion
[Image: GQJ8dCS.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
A lot of what makes Kensei good vs Ghost atm is its compatability with 2h, Ghost still can be a better pick than Kensei in some other areas, what I feel like makes Kensei vs Ghost an unfair matchup is that Ghost has no way of gaining evade other than fear, Kensei gets fear and a passive that is also amplified by fear itself.

If Ghost got buffed slightly I don't think Kensei would have to be nerfed, as the main offender of what makes these classes good actually lies in Duelist and not Kensei or Ghost.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
"Spoops" Wrote:If Ghost got buffed slightly I don't think Kensei would have to be nerfed, as the main offender of what makes these classes good actually lies in Duelist and not Kensei or Ghost.

My exact thoughts.

More often than not, people choose Kensei over Ghost because the latter never really complements dodge that well. If Ghost got some kind of upgrade, then it'd become more appealing to the general crowd. But as it stands, it's not really as attractive as Kensei. I'd dare say I would still use Kensei over Ghost, even if it got nerfed.
[Image: Fern22.gif]
[Image: unknown.png]
As a person who...spearheaded a campaign against these same skills a year or so ago, I don't see it, atleast they aren't applying the egregious percents they used (LOL 15-45% of enemies total hit GONE before hit vs evade.)
"Spoops" Wrote:If Ghost got buffed slightly I don't think Kensei would have to be nerfed, as the main offender of what makes these classes good actually lies in Duelist and not Kensei or Ghost.

Yop I agree to this aswell. I also feel that Ghost still has a few areas in which Kensei just can´t compete aswell, but usually my pick goes for Kensei because of the utility of actually FP recovery and the few extra bits of Crit you gain from Wazabane. Basic attack builds just feel Rewarding and are fun to play imo.
So overall I agree with what Spo said, Ghost probably just needs a few tiny buffs here and there and it should be alright.
Make the -ki passives apply at a reduced rate if the enemy isn't facing you. They all have some sort of basis in tricking the enemy, which is kind of hard to do if they're not looking at you.
I don't think this is necessary when the only basis for it is 'Ghost isn't better than Kensei in every area'.
maybe we should wait on "lets nerf X threads" until duelist, mage, and curate catchup on promo's

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