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Supremely Not-So-Magical Spelledge scalings
Welp, here I am to try and reason about something I noticed lately with the Spelledge weapons. Some, if not most of them are quite super good for people who are going to spam cinders. It both grants them Fire ATK and a portion of SWA, which is just enhanced by Two-Handed and those mamba-jambas. And power wise, the ones who stomp over the others, power-wise, are exactly the ones which can be Two-Handed. They hardly took a hit from the nerf.

There's no further way to be a good spellblade with this specific weapon lines, while the apparent 'role' of them since Pre-GR were to make you able to use spells if your damage with them was high enough, while being outmatched by tomes, due to how they work. (If you don't use a tome, it only uses half of your SWA in the spell's power, and those weapons are not exception from it.)

So! Not all weapons benefit from Two-Handed talent, nor any of those benefit spellcasting different elements.

I have two small suggestions to deal with this:

1- Make all scalings be less STR and more WIL, so the WIL part can give you more Elemental ATK in other parameters. Like for example:

Quote:- 30% STR/70% WIL (Magical Star [Sword])
- 45% STR/55% WIL (Magical Sun [Axe]) I may be contradicting myself, but Axes are STR-based anyway.
- 20% STR/80% WIL (Magical Moon [Spear])
- 45% SKI/55% WIL (Magical Meteor [Bow])
- 35% STR/70% WIL (Magical Comet [Fist]) I remember Fists having 105% on their total scaling by default, was probably to compensate the lack of extra power they get.
- 45% SKI/55% WIL (Magical Nova [Gun])
- 30% GUI/70% WIL (Magical Photon [Dagger])

2- Leave all the scalings like they are, but make a shared weapon potential that allows them for a broader Elemental use, something I have in mind is this:

Quote:"Shared Potential (Name) - Substitutes the STR/SKI/GUI scaling of this weapon for your highest Elemental ATK's stat. (Exceptions: Water/Earth/Darkness, because those elements belong to evil witches, not magical girls!)"
(i.e So if Wind is your highest Elemental ATK, it substitutes STR for CEL, when calculating SWA.)

My personal favorite of those, is being the 'higher WIL scaling' part, because well, WIL already gives Elemental ATK to everything, so just make those weapons benefit more from it. And this may put the Magical series under a better situation than what they are now, at least when used for spellcasting. Tomes are outmatching them a little too far, now that their scalings took a hit from 120% to 100%.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
Err. It isn't half SWA if you don't use a tome (unless I super missed something recently).

You use HALF of the weapon's power if the spell's damage type does not match with your casting implement's damage type. Not half SWA.

A fire tome gives full weapon power to a fire spell
A fire tome gives half weapon power to a water spell

All spell edge weapons, inherently, give 1/2 their power to spells
"Rendar"' Wrote:Err. It isn't half SWA if you don't use a tome (unless I super missed something recently).

You use HALF of the weapon's power if the spell's damage type does not match with your casting implement's damage type. Not half SWA.

A fire tome gives full weapon power to a fire spell
A fire tome gives half weapon power to a water spell

All spell edge weapons, inherently, give 1/2 their power to spells

Thanks for the clarification. I do think that this bonus in general it's still pretty big either way, tome-vs-weapons wise, especially in other magical weapons that don't receive a lot of power (like the dagger), which makes them insanely obsolete compared to tomes, roughly being like ten steps away, rather than five. It probably got further gibbed by that previous bug fix too.

Any opinions about the scalings being moved around, though? Magical set being the 'WIL-powered weapons' of the game's arsenal, Derg?
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
If you want a casting tool that doesn't use STR, grab one of the many tomes.

I see nothing good coming out of further decreasing the need for STR, which seems to be the main suggestion in this topic. I don't see any need to swap out or decrease the SKI/GUI scaling for the other magical weapons, either.
[Image: a2794117f3.png]
[12:53:15 AM] Chaos: don't hit dyst
[12:53:18 AM] Chaos: that's cruelty to animals
[12:53:20 AM] Chaos: you have to shoot it
[12:53:20 AM] Dystopia: ye
Reading through I had no clue what issue you were presenting. If you're saying spelledge is weak, well it works best with hexer due to dual element spells getting full damage regardless of cast tool. On top of them being upgradable for heavy ammounts of weapon power. SWA got gutted sure but for elementalists they are solid choices.
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water
No no, I'm mainly saying that Spelledge only benefits Fire and Cinder builds, thanks to their STR scaling. And then proposed it benefiting more from WIL, so your Elemental ATKs get more spread out, other than focused on Fire ATK.

The power-vs-tome bonus got debunked by Derg already. And ftr Hexer spells do have an elemental type, no? If you read them over, none of those are 'Huggessoan', but have their own elements.

The SWA being gutted part + Evasion being added sorta made things pretty sad for those magical girls around the globe, too.

Spelledge's damage is decent, on paper, but way too low in actual fights, so reducing the amount of need to invest equally in two offensive stats to then it be more focused in one will fix the issue. (People may drop STR to invest in WIL, build wise, and end up having more points to put in let's say, SKI or LUC, to try and jump over Evasion.)
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
I could maybe see your second idea of swapping the scaling for your stat of the highest elemental scaling being a thing, but halved. In other words, were it wind, the scaling for one of the weapons would end up 25% STR, 25% CEL and 50% WIL - the numbers may need to be adjusted, since three stat scalings can end up being worse overall (were this part a thing, I imagine it wouldn't hurt if defensive stats were allowed in).

Strength, however, is already a suffering stat as it is. Granted, it does give birth to some nice fire builds, but it's still a topic of debate that it should get something little extra - that's something for another topic, but I don't see much reason to make it even less prominent.

If the issue is the lack of variety and dedicating itself to cinder builds, I don't know why we'd change the ones without the STR scaling. This isn't a bad suggestion, but it's scaling shift aspects maybe could be lent elsewhere, such as the weapon shift tomes, which to my understanding, are suffering (don'tquotemeonthatplease).

That's my two cents, anywho.
If the spelledge weapons remain scaled off of two stats, they need 110% total scaling minimum to make up for it. The issue is that compared to tomes, spelledge gets extra power from materials and weapon parts, so since they scale off of strength, they make Fire spells seem much stronger than they are.

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