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Pink Eye
There are numerous glaring issues with the skill "Dark Eye" within the tactician repertoire currently.

Aside from the bugs (AKA: it draining all of your momentum)...

The eyeballs are slow moving, statless, and will die in not even one hit of someone using an AoE in pvp testing. I'm not kidding, they just die far too quickly for this ability to be actually useful (despite how lovely the ability is!)

There's not much 'Skill' behind it either. You summon them on your turn, and depending where on initiative you are (top of the turn count, or somewhere below the enemy team's fastest), you will notice a glaring issue with the little eye-bombs. They have 1 in every stat bar DEF/RES (and maybe vit? I'd have to look). They have 120 hp, and 50 FP. Their self-detonate skill costs 50FP to use, meaning that any draining of FP/WIL/SAN/FAI will automatically make them unable to use said ability, making them actually useless little orbs that stop you from using the ability again until you get them to an-hero somehow.

If you go first in initiative (a rarity sometimes, but possible due to On My Mark), and you use this skill, you will be greeted with the enemy team getting not one, but TWO full turns before the orbs get to even act. At which point they might be well out of the three movement range the bombs have. Their damage is mediocre, at best, due to dark resist being in high quantity in the current meta, so that isn't a selling point for the ability, either.

It's selling point ™ is that when it does go off, it nails the person with a status effect that lets you analyze/evaluate another person and apply the effect (1.5x) to your dark eyed target for 5 rounds. This is a nifty ability, don't get me wrong.. but it is severely lacking in every regard aside from the 'desired' reason to have it. The bombs can't even be detonated on a target if said target already has the status effect...

I'm not sure how to work to fix this or make the ability viable, I'm willing to discuss ideas, but as of right now it's meant to combo with other abilities (like pinpoint electro), but makes it impossible to combo because the skill itself is just bad.

Ideas I've had so far...

1. Give them "On my Mark" so they go after the Tactician's turn the subsequent round ( meaning they still suffer from 'summoning sickness' as it were).

2. Give them SWA/3 in all stats and raise their movement up some so that they might live more than a single hit from anything.

3. Make them invulnerable to everything but light damage.

It's not much, but I'm willing to see where this goes, since all the tests I have done with them as of yet have shown them to be verrry lacking (not as bad as White Prison, since that ability doesn't even do it's job.)
I heavily disagree. Used properly, they can help block off movement paths and create pressure.
[Image: 7y3oPuY.png]
I've seen what Sawrock mentions in action, and so I've to agree. They're not alternatives to youkai, but something else entirely.
I just want them to be able to do their job (See: Blow up) without being taken out by a stray AoE that hit them. (THey have 1 in every stat. They had 11 whenever I used sanctuary earlier, oops).

They also are crit-magnets, meaning that if someone can't crit you they can just crit those things for momentum/bonuses.

It isn't that I want them to be alternative youkai, I want them to be able to survive a stray AoE they targets a player + them and be able to maybe not take 150-200+ damage from the attack. (or in the case of boxer, just not be murdered by the fucking wind after-effect of an attak.
If you want them to survive a bit longer, try spacing them out.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
"Sawrock"' Wrote:I heavily disagree. Used properly, they can help block off movement paths and create pressure.
Except this doesn't even begin to make up for how godawful Dark Eye is at getting a Self-Explode off. In fact, this is something that White Prison should be doing, not Dark Eye; and this certainly isn't any kind of reason to live this skill as incredibly crippled as it is otherwise. Lets be perfectly honest, how does Dark Eye REALLY compare to every other skill that can make some kind of wall? As far as I can see, this skill is leagues away from every single one of them.

I honestly think this skill is best off completely overhauled, but I digress. I think that Dark Eye should only take 3M with a 1 Round Cooldown (assuming the current cost isn't a bug), and its effect should kick in if it dies by any means, not just by Self-Explode. Considering how you can't even damage someone that's already under its effect, and the opponent's ability to easily murder these eyes without ever coming to harm, I doubt these changes will do little more than make Dark Eye a little more usable. Which is at least some bit of good progress.
[Image: a2794117f3.png]
[12:53:15 AM] Chaos: don't hit dyst
[12:53:18 AM] Chaos: that's cruelty to animals
[12:53:20 AM] Chaos: you have to shoot it
[12:53:20 AM] Dystopia: ye
Dark Eyes, currently, consume all Momentum, and you cannot summon more until the current ones die off. Completely. Which means that if someone just wants to screw you out of ever using the skill, they have to drain even just a small amount of FP. (Why it takes all 50 of their 50 FP is beyond me. It should just cost nothing on that front, but I'm getting carried away there.)

The damage can't actually be dealt to people already affected, so in a 1v1 situation this skill already has a 5 turn cooldown. Wherein if the Tactician gets to a high enough tactics rank (unless this has been changed), if these little buggers die. THen you lose all of your tactics rank.

The dark eye isn't meant to create pressure/block off paths. That is literally the ability to create a fucking wall (which doesn't even do it's job right since you can just sidecut/blind haunting/blind hanging through the damn thing. Or just fire a gun/arrow through it because lol).

The fact that the things get double turned before they can even act makes them unreliable DPS boost every 5 turns at best, and completely worthless and a waste of FP at worst.

I don't want this ability to be OMG SUPER POWERFULZZZZ. I just want it to at least be usable. If it just gave the status (dark eye) to whoever killed it (even if not adjacent) without the damage, it would be so, so much better than it is right now. Right now, a boxer can just pummel the shit out of you, and have the wind off of his attacks insta-gib the little guys. Or an LB can just drop a circle 6 (since the things can't even move 6 squares in 1 turn.. since they can only move 3 squares per turn), they are liable to be in it unless you summon them then combo into charge order... except you still have to let your opponent get a turn (or two if you're faster) in before the little guys actually decide to have a turn because of their 1 in every stat.

They are, almost completely, unusable in any setting bar a situation where the enemy just doesn't have any AoEs. At all... Or even ranged attacks. No amount of 'spacing them out' will help since they have to converge on a location anyways (and their 3 movement makes them a snails pace.)
It's annoying that they die so easily, but they do good damage if you build for Dark Attack, and amplify the most potent debuff in the game by an enormous amount. They can get some movement out of charge order, and help fuel your tactics rank. They don't need buffs, in my opinion.

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