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Modernizing Enma's
Enma's Summons really needs to see a shift to Great Reckoning scaling. There are very few abilities in existence that do less damage than Enma's, which is a map wide 100 damage execute for 9 momentum and 50-70 FP. I won't throw out number suggestions because I feel it'd be better for Dev to pick something that makes sense, but changing the damage type to Akashic and having it interact with %health are popular suggestions.

Just to make sure I'm not being vague, Enma's Summons has the following issues:

- Huge momentum investment.
- High FP cost.
- Low damage.
- One of the most resisted damage types in the game.

Even before the GR, when health pools weren't as massive as they are now, this skill was not good. It has not aged well, and really needs some love.
I can easily see this working like Grandupper since that's something Dev shown us he can do, the 'remove from battle for X, followed by the 'judgement' damage', but in a more amazing way.

But yes, it would be neat to have this looked at, both thematically and mechanically. (Never forget that Enma's Summons is thematically correct to be used in PvE, you're tossing the garbage away, but what about PvP and IC wise? It brings a lot of logic complications.)
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
I feel like Enma's summons should honestly target enemies at rank*10% HP Thresholds and just deal that amount of damage as Akashic damage, however this is halved against players and bosses, there would be quite a few ways to play against this such as last chance, but I'm mostly throwing out a suggestion here mostly to be discussed with.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
Question for Spoops. Is this resistable by the stat RESISTANCE?

If not, "I can target every enemy on the field below 60% HP regardless of range, for 9m, and deal 30% hp damage to them." is kind of silly.

Now, a "DOOM" counter, sort of like Final Fantasy and the like that enacts whenever the skill is used could be neat. Puts the fight on a timer, and every round all targets on the field take 10-20% hp damage (half to players) would be kind of neat. Lasts for RANK rounds. If someone gets KO'd by this, they could probably instantly get max "wounds" so if they get revived, they have 0m until it wears off. (or, you know, just remove them from combat entirely, similar to grand upper.)
I was referring to the targetting be 30% for players and bosses too, it's mostly a starting point.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
Ah. 30% threshhold for insta-gib on players/bosses is still... hefty. Especially considering invocations can't be broken by anything that isn't silence (and maybe KD???) now-a-days.
Well, here's an idea on how I think it could work.

Enma's Summons
Applies a debuff 'Deathbound' to all enemies that will incapacitate them the moment they fall under a certain HP threshold equal to LV% of their Maximum HP. (LV is based on Rank), this lasts for 5 Rounds.

If an opponent is incapacitated by this effect, they are removed from the battle. Effects that would stop this from occuring do not apply (Last Chance, From the Ashes, etc.) and they cannot be revived since they are no longer apart of the battle (see: Die Hard, Sal Violates, Second Chance, etc.)

Rank 1: 50FP, LV: 10
Rank 2: 47FP, LV: 13
Rank 3: 44FP, LV: 16
Rank 4: 41FP, LV: 19
Rank 5: 38FP, LV: 22

(Rank 6: 35FP, LV: 25)
[Image: 95e2774f19.png]
I'm liking Sly'd idea.

Though, a way to avoid it, besides simply "stay healthy" would be ideal...

I.. guess it would make Gentle Torrent a bit more likeable.
I think Sly's idea is a more fair suggestion, and would work out quite well.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
Theoretically removing 1/4th of ALL enemies' HP along with having no form of counterplay or negation doesn't sound fair to me; it sounds hilariously broken.

"Rendar" Wrote:Though, a way to avoid it, besides simply "stay healthy" would be ideal...
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