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How about a 2-4 week period for the item to be out of your possession or in a store not tied to your key/IP

You can then purchase that item from shops/ receive it from a trade.

If the item is in a shop before that time, a Fine of 1000* item rarity can be paid along side the asking cost for the item.?

this sounds fair dev.
Like I said, auto 'unbind' just delays the abuse period. Letting your friend's items marinate in your alt's inventory for a few weeks isn't a big deal, especially if you do it ahead of the time you'd need it. As for the second thing, some kind of tax along those lines would be an idea.
Fair point, all I want really is the ability to purchase things I may have sold to somebody a long time ago that was basically trash to character A but may be something I'd need on another character down the line.

For instance, Poptart runs a pawn shop fortunes favor, they keep book keeping of all purchases. They charge "fair" "meta" when did the economy get so insane prices that everyone charges for rare stuff, theres no twink involved there at all, but you still cant purchase anything you might have sold them or they might have plucked from your auto shop keep even though they will mark it up.

PS I agree with you about the twink factor, I just want a somewhat functioning economy pawn shop.
I don't really care for this rule, but if there's no way to remove it then fine. Though, I like Sderg's idea on the rule not applying to level 55-60 characters.

My idea
What about some type of Asago capsule item that stores 1 unstackable weapon/armor/etc inside of it, and allows it to be traded to any character/key in the game like other donator items. Perhaps even with the restriction of only level 50-60 characters receiving said capsule? It could cost anywhere from 300-500 asagos and each player could only have 1 at a time, or whatever your preference is. Then, the Asago capsule disappears after the item is released from it. I don't see any harm in that.

Edited for more detail.
[Image: GQJ8dCS.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
I think that would be a bit expensive for a one-use item of moderate use, but the idea itself isn't terrible or anything; it could be available for Asagorians or a slightly more expensive Murai/other items option. I'd have to think on the idea a bit and see if any adjustments would have to be made to it but the core of it is good.

Most F2P games of a similar nature usually keep trading features behind a subscription for this very sort of issue. I've thought about a BYOND sub option for SL2, and if I ever released a subscription for SL2 it'd probably feature unrestricted trading for subbed keys. Although that's a hypothetical and only slightly related to the thread, and could be its own topic.
Most F2P games bind items on equip and only let you unbind them by spending real life money.

And subscriptions won't really work because alts.
Cool, what about the commoners who don't donate because their Paypal's credit card is on R$ instead of US$? #FuckBrazil

My suggestion is around those lines:

[Image: e5a3fd9c917c49439210bd1db14bdf79.png]

Some new Asago gift system at Matsuri, who takes a fat pack of Murai/Asagos in order to send any item from your inventory to another person's 'gifts' tab, as a gift. It's costy because of the wrapping and reservation. :V
(2'500 Murai per rarity star. 25 Asagos per rarity star. Can't be both, there should be an option to choose between the method, separately.)

It sends the traded item/weapon to someone's bank at the 'present delivery' tab, no matter who they are, since you're making it pretty 'costy' and it would often be easier to not use this and go grind, but at this point, there are some people who can afford this.
(Not me, sadly.)

A 'gift' message will appear on the logs of the one receiving the gift, saying:
*Beep!* Your LaPlace device is blinking! Maybe you should go check your present delivery?

Then, the exceptions:

- Can't be sent to someone with a level higher or lower than yours. (So this makes it a trade system for lv60s only.)
- Stacked items won't increase the cost. (Let's be fair, multiply 2'500 *10 is fair, *100+? It would make this system as silly as my useless ideas.)
- One item per day, if equipment. Can be increased by buying a non-tradable donation item that adds +2 to the limit.
- Of course, can't be donation items, since they're already allowed do to naturally.

I know this won't solve Rany's problem of 'in the middle of a RP, this happens so people have to omit and break RP', but it's something. The more complicated solution I could put here? Sure it is. Just couldn't think about anything more fitting for Sigrogana Legends, though. And something that doesn't promote 'donator elitism', as suggested by BlackPhoenixLina above.

Nothing against her idea too, hers could be an alternative 'easier and faster' way to do it. Fruit of Fluidity showed us how much people are willing to pay to save time.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
"Soapy"' Wrote:Most F2P games bind items on equip and only let you unbind them by spending real life money

What does this have to do with anything? Multiple account abusers are a very real issue for F2P games in general and the restrictions placed in them are often understandable for that reason. Just because some of them go farther than others doesn't mean the issue isn't real.
"Neus"' Wrote:I think that would be a bit expensive for a one-use item of moderate use, but the idea itself isn't terrible or anything; it could be available for Asagorians or a slightly more expensive Murai/other items option. I'd have to think on the idea a bit and see if any adjustments would have to be made to it but the core of it is good.

Most F2P games of a similar nature usually keep trading features behind a subscription for this very sort of issue. I've thought about a BYOND sub option for SL2, and if I ever released a subscription for SL2 it'd probably feature unrestricted trading for subbed keys. Although that's a hypothetical and only slightly related to the thread, and could be its own topic.

The only reason why it was so expensive is because I wanted to compensate for you highly disliking the whole 'giving items to your alt' idea, so I suggested a highly-regulated method so you'd be happy with it. Perhaps I went a bit far, but the numbers can easily be adjusted!

"Snake"' Wrote:Cool, what about the commoners who don't donate because their Paypal's credit card is on R$ instead of US$? #FuckBrazil

You'd have to buy asagos from other players probably. Don't worry, you'd totally get the Kunai-discount from me, though.
[Image: GQJ8dCS.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
While I have nothing else to add at this exact moment, since I'm busy and don't have time for a full post, I would like to say, "Thank you for at least listening to possible compromises, Dev."

As someone with literally dozens of keys due to only 3 characters per, though, the Byond subscription idea does make my eye twitch. If that avenue were to be pursued, please at least allow those keys more characters?
*loud burp*

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