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(2.15b) Overly Firely Feathers
It seems like the feathers when they are created via a skill, and you have a elemental badge on, still deal fire damage. It does change it to the element however on turn end or when being stepped on.

Shivar van Fenrir takes 30 Fire physical damage.
Shivar van Fenrir takes 97 Pierce physical damage. (Falcon Strike / Frozen Reaper)

Shivar van Fenrir takes 26 Ice physical damage.
--- ROUND 4 ---
Shivar van Fenrir recovered 2 HP.
Shivar van Fenrir recovered 10 FP.
Shivania van Fenrir recovered 1 HP.
Shivania van Fenrir recovered 3 FP.
Shivar van Fenrir's turn.

Also notice how they are Physical damage, instead of Magical.
This has been corrected.

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