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Pre-GR Mementos
That's not really everything, just the items I see no use in any situation, sans the Ring of Life and Witch's Hat, those two were put there to help the low level players without a party to survive a little better on their LV1-30.

The others could be more simple than that, like,
- Ring of Thorns granting +5 SWA for -5% max HP.
- Blood Whistle restoring 2 HP when dealing Wind Damage instead of round end, and granting 4 CEL. (4 seems to be the designed cap for stats granted by items, so let's use this)
- Overload Amulet could be changed to +8% damage for skill/spells for the duration, since it lasts so short.
- Kickboxing Shoes is the finest of those all, since between reducing all physical damage by 10%, up to 30% elemental resist and immunity to knockbacks, +20 damage for kicks is pretty petty.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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