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[QUE] Dynamic Scaling?
Last update claims to have made it so there's always a chance that first place can be overtaken in the fishing contests, yet, no one seems to have reported ever seeing a fish weighing in over 50.

Personally I've participated in only a handful of 50W 1st place contests, so, I can't say if it's just my bad luck or not, but, it's worth making sure thing are working as intended, or if they're working at all.
This has been corrected.
Posting here again as after this correction there have been no reports of a 50+ fish ever being seen. It's difficult to say whether or not this is due to poor luck, again, but, the odds can't be -that- slim. Hopefully.

There do seem to be changes to the lows and highs of the fish types (to the point where Larges can be much smaller than a Small). But that's about it.
As far as I can tell, it is possible. With a 50 weight 1st place, the maximum weight for large fish was 50.5. I've increased this to a 1 maximum weight higher ceiling to make it slightly more common.

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