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Version 2.71
New Chat Features & Improvements
  • Chat Backgrounds; You can select and color an image that will appear behind your in-character messages. (Additional options will be added in future updates.)
  • Chat Emotions; You can now use certain formatting to have an emotion animation play above your character's portrait. (See Help -> Chat Help for examples. Set in the gear menu of the new chat.)
  • Chat Coloring; You can now use certain formatting to color parts of your text for in-character messages. (See Help -> Chat Help for examples.)
  • Auto-Scroll; Behavior has been improved - it will no longer attempt to scroll if you are not already at the bottom of the chat box. Also made adjustments so that the position of the window stays the same when culling old messages. (If you're at the very top of the chatbox, however, messages will still disappear as they're culled!)
  • Ping Words; You can now set up a list of up to 10 keywords. When an in-character message using one of those words is used by another player, the game will flash in the taskbar (if minimized) and the post will have a minor glow effect around it. (Set in the gear menu of the new chat.)
  • IC Message Limiter; You can now set a range in which you will receive IC messages. This is useful in spaces or events where there are a large number of people to avoid being spammed too much. Posts containing ping words will ignore this limitation. (Set in the gear menu of the new chat.)
  • Color Selection; You can now input a hex color text string.
Profile Background Layers
  • New feature which lets you set up 'layouts' which appear behind pages. This is useful for profiles which make use of 'boxes'/borders/special background symbols.
  • You can change the default background layer used (uses Blank normally).
  • Specific background layers can be set on a per-page basis.
  • Currently, you can set up 1 layout. (Additional slots may be added in the future as a donation/patreon incentive.)
  • Required a rewrite of how pages are stored internally. (Your profiles should automatically be converted without issue the first time someone examines your profile.)
Sandbox Object Adjustments
  • Interacting with a sandbox object or farm plot requires you to read a set of rules associated with them.
  • Harvesting a farm plot that was not planted by you or someone in your guild requires 10 physical stamina. (NOTE: Since guild information is not stored on current live farm plots, it will affect those, even if you're in the same guild. Once you replant, it will be.)
  • Added support for a 'sandbox banlist' that removes interacting with these objects for people who can't follow the rules.
Map Requests
  • Meiaquar Factory (Courtesy of Autumn)
- Bonus damage no longer inflicts wounds.
- Ruptured ear effect has been changed to cut off your message instead of hide it entirely.
- Fixed a bug where Big Mode setting for the browser chatbox wasn't saving.
- Fixed a bug where Elangreve was applying to daggers, and was only applying at half efficacy to Spear weapons.
(NOTE: Deep Wastes mobs do not spawn in testing mode. This is intentional.)
- Various bug fixes from the forums.

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