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Lore Questions: April (2015)
Is Matsuri a set of siblings that look exactly the same?! Is there some kinda cloning experiment among the Asago Corperation!? ... Does Matsuri just have a spell that puts themselves wherever their needed?

Whats your game, Dev!

Edit: Specifically, Why is Matsuri in like ... every single Asago Corperation Building?
If any of these have been answered before, I apologize. I don't remember ever seeing these specific questions answered, and they are not on the Wiki. And quite frankly, there's too many Lore threads to sift through at this point in time. Anyways, I think it's time to get more information about Void Poisoning. It's such a major RP aspect for Void Assassins, and can also be involved with normal Mages who blink, a lot and Liches who use that blinkstep thing.

I know early Stages can be cured, if the usage of said skills causing it were to stop. Resuming use will bring the Void Poisoning back, right?

1) My question is, how does the return of the symptoms work? Does the poisoning "return" at the same speed, or is it faster due to previous contamination? Would the poisoning simply jumpstart ahead to it's "old" progression, or start over completely? Could a person who occasionally reaches for the Void Magic as a last resort, but rarely uses it normally, manage to "safely" use it "long term" by repeatedly getting cured at stage one, due to using it incredibly sparingly, hence a long "cooldown" period between exposure? (I guess an example would be not typically having VA set but reaching for the voidgates in desperation to escape via RP, or to stick VA on for a "hopeless" battle in PVP that is ICly onesided, while not usually using the class.)

2) As well, last month you mentioned the visual effects of the poison. If cured, would any effects remain? A diminished tint of the old markings, perhaps? Or perhaps their health never quite being the same again? If cured a second time, would these residual effects compound and/or multiply in appearance/effect?

3) What are the Voidgate's practical limits? Is Line of Sight required? Can you drop a voidgate beyond an obstacle to appear behind it? (Examples: Infiltrating/ Escaping a house/ fortress/etc.) Can a gate be created in a dense space, and if so, what happens to whatever is in that space, or whoever attempts to use the portal? (Example: If a gate were unknowingly made inside a statue, would the statue's interior collapse into the Void, or would the person using the gate be instantly crushed upon exit due to lack of space?)

4) Under what circumstances can void abilities be forcibly limited? Obviously silence works for Black Bolt due to it being a spell, but what about Voidgate itself? I believe it counts as a skill, but I'm also sure the prisons have ways to prohibit escape via Voidgate as well.

5) Do Voidveil and related (Absorb, Off, etc) skills, as well as Black Bolt, lead to Void Poisoning as well? Or only teleportation like Blink/Voidgate?
*loud burp*
is there any way i can work my clan(The Phantom Clan) into the lore some how?
"[url=' Wrote:111none » Thu Apr 02, 2015 12:29 pm[/url]"]Stupid question.

Can Papilion hover outside of battle? (For a short period)


"[url=' Wrote:Blissey » Thu Apr 02, 2015 8:21 pm[/url]"]I'm pretty sure anything with functioning wings can fly.

Anyway, onto my question:
In the March 2015 thread you said no one knows how big Mersales is, but you compared it to the northern mountainous region of Sigrogana, just behind Cellsvich, in size.

[Image: UWEY3cC.gif]

It's about that size horizontally speaking. But who knows how big it is vertically?

"[url=' Wrote:catabur » Thu Apr 02, 2015 9:57 pm[/url]"]Is there a god/dess of love? If so, who are they? I'd also hope they're still alive.

Are there any diseases/genetic defects that only some races can get?

How long has Phobos been a general post-Shaitan?

How did the gods and goddesses find Sigrogana?

Yes. Maybe I'll post some information about them sometime.


About 3 years before the Sigrogana Oniga War ended.

Whoooooooooooo knoooooooooows?

"[url=' Wrote:RoboCat » Sun Apr 05, 2015 3:02 pm[/url]"]OK, got some questions about the monsters and where they live and whatnot.

1. Are monsters the only thing that spawn in BDPs? (Would I be able to find critters like rats and bugs and whatnot inside of them too?)
2. Which non-boss monster out of all the ones that appear in BDPs is considered the smartest?
3. How smart exactly can jammers get?
4. Which jammers are the smartest?
5. What are jammer cores and where exactly do they come from?

You could probably find animals who have wandered into them inside of the BDP, yes.
It depends on what you consider intelligence, but most likely the Spatials.
Not very.
This is established in SL1 but they're basically the Jammer itself. The 'jam' around them is created by chemicals from their body mixing with water as protection for the core and as a digestive material for things that get stuck in them.

"[url=' Wrote:111none » Tue Apr 07, 2015 12:03 am[/url]"]Stupid question. I probably have the right idea.

If a Papilion is an evoker with Arcane Tattoos, if they can be turned, "On and off at will." Then would the wings be always, "on"?

If a summoner install their youkai, do their appearances shift during this if the bond between them is particularly strong, or any other situation would cause something of the like to happen?

I'm not sure I understand the question. Tattoos are tattoos, wings depend on the nature of the Papillion. Some have real wings, some have illusions. Both can be turned 'on' and 'off', in the former's case they get hidden.

Slight appearance shifts are possible, but nothing dramatic like your head turning into a dragon's or growing fairy wings. But your skin might appear harder or 'scaled' if you had Dragonscale while installed, for example.

"[url=' Wrote:catabur » Tue Apr 21, 2015 8:33 pm[/url]"]Do all races (not counting the ones that actually can't) mature at around the same time? In example, would a Felidae be considered, without getting into any details, an "adult" at the age of 18 like your good ol' Human? Or would they, using the thing called math, be considered an adult at 27?

Usually the longer living races, Corrupted excluded, mature at a slightly slower rate than human races. But it's nothing drastic like not hitting puberty until you're 18, for example.

"[url=' Wrote:iDarkCara » Tue Apr 28, 2015 12:19 am[/url]"]
"[url=' Wrote:Sarinpa1 » Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:24 pm[/url]"]
"[url=' Wrote:DioAliken » Tue Apr 21, 2015 11:37 am[/url]"]Got a question about vampirism. I know Gylkins are holy blooded so can they not become vampire? Or is it possible and it just stop them having golden blood?

Do you even lore

"However, this method of transformation does not work for Corrupted, Glykin, nor does it work for non-living creatures such as Mechanations."

I believe he should be asking, is that the only method of becoming a vampire. As this line comes after it describes the six blood thingy.

Mechanic wise, they cannot. But I guess ic wise, is there another method?

There's probably one other way, but it's not something that mortals can do.
"[url=' Wrote:Anhita » Tue Apr 28, 2015 2:24 pm[/url]"]Is Matsuri a set of siblings that look exactly the same?! Is there some kinda cloning experiment among the Asago Corperation!? ... Does Matsuri just have a spell that puts themselves wherever their needed?

Whats your game, Dev!

Edit: Specifically, Why is Matsuri in like ... every single Asago Corperation Building?

You know, no one's sure. I think everyone assumes they're just a bunch of twins and is too afraid to ask. I know I would rather not offend the person who owns my house and all my banked belongings with a pointless question.

"[url=' Wrote:Ranylyn » Fri May 01, 2015 5:45 am[/url]"]If any of these have been answered before, I apologize. I don't remember ever seeing these specific questions answered, and they are not on the Wiki. And quite frankly, there's too many Lore threads to sift through at this point in time. Anyways, I think it's time to get more information about Void Poisoning. It's such a major RP aspect for Void Assassins, and can also be involved with normal Mages who blink, a lot and Liches who use that blinkstep thing.

I know early Stages can be cured, if the usage of said skills causing it were to stop. Resuming use will bring the Void Poisoning back, right?

1) My question is, how does the return of the symptoms work? Does the poisoning "return" at the same speed, or is it faster due to previous contamination? Would the poisoning simply jumpstart ahead to it's "old" progression, or start over completely? Could a person who occasionally reaches for the Void Magic as a last resort, but rarely uses it normally, manage to "safely" use it "long term" by repeatedly getting cured at stage one, due to using it incredibly sparingly, hence a long "cooldown" period between exposure? (I guess an example would be not typically having VA set but reaching for the voidgates in desperation to escape via RP, or to stick VA on for a "hopeless" battle in PVP that is ICly onesided, while not usually using the class.)

2) As well, last month you mentioned the visual effects of the poison. If cured, would any effects remain? A diminished tint of the old markings, perhaps? Or perhaps their health never quite being the same again? If cured a second time, would these residual effects compound and/or multiply in appearance/effect?

3) What are the Voidgate's practical limits? Is Line of Sight required? Can you drop a voidgate beyond an obstacle to appear behind it? (Examples: Infiltrating/ Escaping a house/ fortress/etc.) Can a gate be created in a dense space, and if so, what happens to whatever is in that space, or whoever attempts to use the portal? (Example: If a gate were unknowingly made inside a statue, would the statue's interior collapse into the Void, or would the person using the gate be instantly crushed upon exit due to lack of space?)

4) Under what circumstances can void abilities be forcibly limited? Obviously silence works for Black Bolt due to it being a spell, but what about Voidgate itself? I believe it counts as a skill, but I'm also sure the prisons have ways to prohibit escape via Voidgate as well.

5) Do Voidveil and related (Absorb, Off, etc) skills, as well as Black Bolt, lead to Void Poisoning as well? Or only teleportation like Blink/Voidgate?

1) It's pretty unpredictable, because Void magic is chaotic by nature. Its effects on you are somewhat random for that reason. What may have put you in the 'safe' zone at one point may put you over the edge another time.

2) There would probably be some skin scaring, but it depends.

3) You need a line of sight, yes. For example, you cannot teleport to a Voidgate you cannot see in the Castle dungeon battles with the opaque pillar in the middle. You don't need to be able to see it clearly, but you need a precise read and there's not much room for error. You can't put a Voidgate into a dense object, and if a dense object were put in front of a Voidgate, it would inhibit its ability to act as a portal.

4) You can interfere with the stability of portals in a manner of ways, two of the known ones being sound and Iahsus. Sound can, depending on the frequency/etc, slow portal generation or cause it to fail entirely. Iahsus itself can also play a part in the stability of portals if it's overly active. If you have a prisoner you know is capable of using Voidgates and such, you can usually prevent them from using it to escape by blindfolding them. You can also put them in a closed chamber with no windows. Those are two very lowtech solutions.

5) It can but it's very low risk compared to using unsafe teleporting. You're still handling hazardous materials, but you aren't walking through a room full of them briefly, for example.

"[url=' Wrote:zeeden » Wed May 06, 2015 5:27 am[/url]"]is there any way i can work my clan(The Phantom Clan) into the lore some how?

The lore of the game itself is my own work and I don't really collaborate with players on it, I'm afraid.

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