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[Board + laplaceNET] Haemin Domain Stage Open for Rent!
On the Cellsvich Notice Board and in a laplaceNET request (without the image, of course) resides an advertisement for something. . .

Attention all performers!

Doctor Mavis Haemin harbors a runway stage below her house, and she is renting it out!

Below is an image of the stage in question; rather opulent in its design, with ample space for performers and spectators alike. There also seems to be a table with food, and behind those curtains is possibly a back stage with dressing rooms for preparation.

[Image: BtFTUQh.png?1]

Originally specially made for a fashion show contest Doctor Haemin had planned in the past – but was ultimately scratched due to the amount of time is needed to be placed into her career --, this stage is now open to almost everyone who will abide to the rules, fill out the application, pay the fee, and most importantly, actually perform!

To rent this space out, please fill out the form below and send it to drhaemin@l-net.grm, or place it within her mailbox at her home and office, Sana Medical Center A.K.A. the Haemin Domain, located in the Cellsvich Peaceful Forest (the mailbox is there, this also means to P.M. directly with the form below or send it to me via Skype which is catastrophecupcakes). The fee to rent this place out is one thousand Murai per use, and if an extension of rent would take place, five hundred Murai would be charged. Any and all commerce you make from your performance will be yours in its entirety, and Doctor Haemin will never ask you for further compensation than the rent/extension fee (also if you damage the stage or her home in any way – whether accident or not --, she’ll ask for compensation, but it usually repairs itself anyway).

Name of Applicant(s):
Type of Performance (please be specific, as not all will be accepted dependent on the laws of the land, etc.):
Solo Performance or Group performance?:
Name of Performance/Group:
When would you like to rent this space? (Input full OOC time, this includes Month, Date, Year, Time Zone):
Any special requests and/or comments?:

Please be conscious that this application is also a legally binding contract. Failure to issue payment for renting this space and/or for damaging it, its affiliated area, and the items within that were there to begin with, will be taken up with the Empire's Legal system for compensation.

A few rules to mind:
  • Any and all performances involving the Void will be automatically denied due to the rising severity of Void Poisoning that blights the land. There will be no exceptions.
  • Please respect the sanctity to the Haemin Domain, as this is not only Doctor Haemin’s working place, but her home as well. There will be no littering of any kind and no weapons during performances. There will be no usage of magic in the Haemin Domain unless a part of the performance in question. There will be no pugnacity, no “spars”, and absolutely no squalid and/or sordid behavior.
  • There will be no interruption of performances. Those who are brazen in their audience seat or away from it will be expelled from the show and premises.
  • Rules are subject to change as the Domain Owner (see: Doctor Mavis Haemin) sees fit.
  • Please keep all performances tasteful.

Thank you!

OOC Information:

Please note that, dependent on the time, performances may or may not be delayed or postponed due to the sole fact that time zones sometimes don’t coincide.
Also please note that I won’t have to be online for the stage to be used, as performers will be given a key (and then of course the door would be changed for new keys after their lease is up).
Also please don’t post below in this topic unless you want to bump it for some reason. You can just P.M. the form or send it to me via Skype.

[Image: Y8FFQj7.jpg]
^Mercala's Favorite Apparently
[Image: To2mAPS.png](heh)

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