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Laura Esther says "(LET ME BITE YOU ONII-CHAN.)"
To put it simply, Poison Bite is ignoring defense of people it hits which makes it ridiculously strong considering it costs 0 FP and can poison the opponent, nowhere in its description does it say it does any kind of unresistable damage so I am assuming it is a bug and if so can it be fixed.

[Image: ZeqdaJ5.png]

This was between someone with 60 strength and someone with 60 defense.
it can miss, also

thats not a lot of all, also bites hurt, no matter who you are, unless its a baby lizard, then its cute.
"[url=' Wrote:Ardratz » Mon Jan 26, 2015 5:54 pm[/url]"]To put it simply, Poison Bite is ignoring defense of people it hits which makes it ridiculously strong considering it costs 0 FP and can poison the opponent, nowhere in its description does it say it does any kind of unresistable damage so I am assuming it is a bug and if so can it be fixed.

[Image: ZeqdaJ5.png]

This was between someone with 60 strength and someone with 60 defense.

1) Pretty sure this is in order to prevent simply armoring up for self-biting, to keep the Pierce Damage taken relevant.
2) The Poison Bite is also fairly inaccurate (I've missed bites when my weapon had over a 110% hit chance) so it's not reliable.
3) The Bite also has no weapon power, much like Kick. Who uses kick? Exactly. Kind of a garbage racial otherwise, that takes a skill slot!

I noticed this months ago and did not report it as I had no reason to believe it was a bug.
*loud burp*
It being unresistable is definitely not a bug.

I could see it having a small FP cost (10?) but other than that, I don't think it really needs any other tweaks.
[Image: 95e2774f19.png]
"[url=' Wrote:Slydria » Mon Jan 26, 2015 11:23 pm[/url]"]I could see it having a small FP cost (10?) but other than that, I don't think it really needs any other tweaks.

This I can agree with in the end, though in this case the cost could be greater, since Black Rend which does 75%STR+4 damage, and inflicts no poison, costs 15 FP, though on the other hand that one's cost can be lowered instead.
"[url=' Wrote:Ardratz » Mon Jan 26, 2015 6:32 pm[/url]"]
"[url=' Wrote:Slydria » Mon Jan 26, 2015 11:23 pm[/url]"]I could see it having a small FP cost (10?) but other than that, I don't think it really needs any other tweaks.

This I can agree with in the end, though in this case the cost could be greater, since Black Rend which does 75%STR+4 damage, and inflicts no poison, costs 15 FP, though on the other hand that one's cost can be lowered instead.

Black Rend is an autohit. Poison Bite is less accurate than normal attacks. Honestly, the only use it ever sees are early on before you can attack twice anyways, or at times where other attacks just are not viable. (Example: Electrojammers/Forgeries.) Black Rend can at least be used to hit a dodger. If a Wyverntouched has the Strength to make biting not garbage, they lack the will for it to have high odds of poisoning.

I honestly propose leaving Poison Bite alone, and lowering Black Rend to 10 FP because "It's only 75% Str and Shaitan FP is garbage anyways."
*loud burp*
WIL is a small part of a WT's build. They also start with 30% WIL if I recall correctly. And 15% SKI, and 15% LUCK.

That's a lot of stats that can contribute to the current affliction formula of WIL+SKI*2+LUC.

SKI and LUC are both thing most strength builds get in a decent amount.

So don't say it doesn't poison, it almost always does.
Not a bug, you can open a Balance Fu topic if you think this should be changed in some way.

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