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Lore Questions: August (2015)
This is a new topic for Lore Questions because the old one was about 26 pages. The format is roughly the same, but some guidelines;

1) Try and format your questions appropriately. As in, make it easy to read and answer.
2) Try and limit the number of questions you ask per thread. I don't mind answering them, but don't get crazy and ask me 20 things, especially if they require detailed answers.
3) Try to avoid asking extremely specific questions, such as 'Did anyone ever die of food poisoning in Cellsvich?'. Answering these is difficult, because not everything is set in stone, so giving a definitive answer on it not only restricts me in the future, but it might influence other players' character concepts that involve it.

That said, if you have any questions, you can post them in this thread! I will post answers at the end of the month/start of the next one.

Thanks! (And yes, if you had questions from the previous topic that I didn't answer before I closed it, you can post them here, but remember the formatting guideline.)
In an effort to fully clarify all things related to 'misting' out as a vampire from situations. What, if any, handicaps can be applied on vampires to prevent them from just killing themselves?

Namely in situations involving Guards and Vampire Suspects who believe they can hold their breath/bite themselves to death/bang their head against a wall/choke themselves out with their restraints/just straight mist away; out of their jail cell?

We've come into a few who believe they can just kill themselves and get out of jail that way. Are there any forms of anti-magi-vampire-ness that can be/is applied to Guard Cells and or vampires themselves that can prevent that or is that a bit too much godmodish?
[Image: b89f62f8ce.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_m7g6clz79C1rpqqpz.gif] I'm also still Batman.
Also, related to clarifying things potentially considered "godmodding" I have some questions about illusions. (I've been accused of godmodding for RPing Cobra Stance as a Papillion's Illusions, for example)

About how much focus does it take to create illusions compared to other spells?
- A simple illusion (A visible object but no sound/touch trickery)
- A convincing illusion (For example, a person who talks)
- A complex, intricate illusion (An illusion that toys with all the senses, illusions you can touch, taste, and smell)
- A masterful mindscrew illusion (Example: Making someone believe they're winning a fight while they're losing it, doing things like numbing their pain while giving them an opponent who shows pain and damage - not for average use, of course, but I was curious regardless.)
*loud burp*
What is the we're on planet called? Are there other planets we know about, and do we have names for those if there are?
[Image: da4KzKk.png]

Quote:There are lots of stars and some planet-like spheres in the distance.
"[url=' Wrote:Soapy » Sat Aug 08, 2015 10:08 pm[/url]"]Sigrogana.

Quote:There are lots of stars and some planet-like spheres in the distance.

That explains that, but if there's names for them, I would like to know them. Thanks Soapy.
Also, a side question. Are Black Beasts more like cats or dogs, or some other animal? It's an argument I'd like to see put away.
EDIT: One last one. Can Phenexes ressurect ICly via 'From The Ashes'?
[Image: da4KzKk.png]
Quote:If Wyverntouched are direct descendants of Wyverns, how common are 'Pure' Wyverntouched, as in the very first generation between a wyvern and another race?
Quote:All of them.
Just clarifying, this means every Wyverntouched is born from a Wyvern and an (insert race here)?

So if two Wyverntouched went at it, the child would just be human?

And I feel like this has been asked before, but only male Wyverns can successfully.. 'mingle' with humans, right?

How often are they involved with raising their crossbred offspring, or do they pretty much always bail without paying child support?

Do Wyverns still have their aversion to cold from SL1, perhaps a bit less deadly allergic to it this time around? How about Wyverntouched?
Getting this one in just in time for the new month.

The new 'worm' enemies added in are parasites, obviously, but...what -are- they? How do they function?

What exactly do they do to the host? What do they need to survive? Are they potentially fatal, as a result?

I can't really equate them to any real-life parasite off the top of my head, but, being able to survive in a Corpse Hand makes me think they sap Focus or something.
"[url=' Wrote:iDarkCara » Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:02 am[/url]"]In an effort to fully clarify all things related to 'misting' out as a vampire from situations. What, if any, handicaps can be applied on vampires to prevent them from just killing themselves?

Namely in situations involving Guards and Vampire Suspects who believe they can hold their breath/bite themselves to death/bang their head against a wall/choke themselves out with their restraints/just straight mist away; out of their jail cell?

We've come into a few who believe they can just kill themselves and get out of jail that way. Are there any forms of anti-magi-vampire-ness that can be/is applied to Guard Cells and or vampires themselves that can prevent that or is that a bit too much godmodish?

1) The idea that you can hold your breath to death is ridiculous. At best, you'd be able to hold it until you passed out. Then you'd start breathing normally.
2) Banging your head against a wall to kill yourself probably relies on if you can run around the room you're in. If you get a running start and jump head first, maybe. If you're locked up against the wall, probably not. You'd pass out before you could actually kill yourself with 'little' bumps.
3) Choking yourself with your restraints depends on the setup but you're not going to hold your handcuffs to your neck and kill yourself that way. You pass out, your arms drop, then you're just unconscious. There's a reason people hang themselves.
4) Biting is possible but not really an instant death.

In most of these cases you can just force feed them potions or get a Mercalan to heal them (they won't like it and it's not as effective as on others so it might take more effort, but they might consider it better than letting the dangerous vampire loose). If they get healed, then they don't die, then they don't mist.

So, to answer your question, the majority of those scenarios are ridiculous. Killing yourself is hard. I mean, if the vampire manages to be unsupervised for a while and manages to set up a noose in their cell and hangs themself, then I think they get a pass because that's guard incompetence. But you can make cells where there's nothing to hang a noose on.

There are no specific anti-vampire misting tools you can utilize that we're aware of yet. Your best bet is forcing the vampire player to adhere to common sense and keeping a close eye on them.

"[url=' Wrote:Ranylyn » Sat Aug 08, 2015 3:32 pm[/url]"]Also, related to clarifying things potentially considered "godmodding" I have some questions about illusions. (I've been accused of godmodding for RPing Cobra Stance as a Papillion's Illusions, for example)

About how much focus does it take to create illusions compared to other spells?
- A simple illusion (A visible object but no sound/touch trickery)
- A convincing illusion (For example, a person who talks)
- A complex, intricate illusion (An illusion that toys with all the senses, illusions you can touch, taste, and smell)
- A masterful mindscrew illusion (Example: Making someone believe they're winning a fight while they're losing it, doing things like numbing their pain while giving them an opponent who shows pain and damage - not for average use, of course, but I was curious regardless.)

1) Not much.
2) Slightly more.
3) You'd probably be a bit exhausted after this one, depending on how long it goes on.
4) A tremendous amount.

Generally illusions compound in difficulty and focus cost the more senses they manipulate, as well as the length of time they're invoked.

""' Wrote:Also, a side question. Are Black Beasts more like cats or dogs, or some other animal? It's an argument I'd like to see put away.
EDIT: One last one. Can Phenexes ressurect ICly via 'From The Ashes'?

1)They're purposefully dark and vague, but they seem more dog than cat to me.
2) From actual death? Tough one. Maybe, but it depends on what killed them. If you lost your head, then there's no coming back. Squashed into a pancake? Yeah, not happening. Otherwise, yeah, you could probably be revived. Of course, it's rather immediate after your 'death', so your attacker will still be near you, and so on. Also, it isn't guaranteed, so don't try and use this as a parlor trick.

"[url=' Wrote:Soapy » Sat Aug 29, 2015 3:41 pm[/url]"]
Quote:If Wyverntouched are direct descendants of Wyverns, how common are 'Pure' Wyverntouched, as in the very first generation between a wyvern and another race?
Quote:All of them.
Just clarifying, this means every Wyverntouched is born from a Wyvern and an (insert race here)?

So if two Wyverntouched went at it, the child would just be human?

And I feel like this has been asked before, but only male Wyverns can successfully.. 'mingle' with humans, right?

How often are they involved with raising their crossbred offspring, or do they pretty much always bail without paying child support?

Do Wyverns still have their aversion to cold from SL1, perhaps a bit less deadly allergic to it this time around? How about Wyverntouched?

1) Yes.
2) The child might have some physical features of a wyverntouched but they won't be a true wyverntouched.
3) A female could as well! Unlike SL1 wyverns, we don't know how long SL2 wyverns could become humans.
4) Depends on the wyvern but nature usually disallows them to be a constant part of their child's life, even if they want to.
5) They do have a dislike of cold areas still, prefering hot ones. But they can function/live in them. For wyverntouched it would probably depend on the person.

"[url=' Wrote:Trexmaster » Tue Sep 01, 2015 10:21 am[/url]"]Getting this one in just in time for the new month.

The new 'worm' enemies added in are parasites, obviously, but...what -are- they? How do they function?

What exactly do they do to the host? What do they need to survive? Are they potentially fatal, as a result?

I can't really equate them to any real-life parasite off the top of my head, but, being able to survive in a Corpse Hand makes me think they sap Focus or something.

Pale Lauders feed on focus and they prefer recently dead or even better, undead, but otherwise don't care.

1) They will bite the host to create an entry way and then they will force themselves into the host through it. They will then sap focus very gradually from them. For humanoids, they prefer to go after the extremities, where the body temperature is cooler.
2) They typically need a host to survive for long periods of time. They also tend to die if exposed to sunlight for a long period of time but this depends on the relative heat of the area. They explode like a firecracker if they get too hot.
3) They don't offer any life threatening danger but given they are sometimes in less than sterile hosts, one has to be careful of disease and infection, which are more dangerous than the lauder itself. Mercalan priests will usually remove the parasite and treat the wound for free.

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