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SL2 Version 2.64
Map Updates
  • * Duyuei-Telegrad Highway Farmstead; Interior has been fixed up a bit, some crafting tables have been added. (Courtesy of Slydria)
  • * Geladyne-Duyuei Highway; Added Mid Tower interior. (Courtesy of Autumn)
  • * Meiaquar-Geladyne Highway; Added Lavish House interior. (Courtesy of Slydria)
  • * Telegrad-Meiaquar Highway; Updated northern village exterior. Added communal house interior. (Courtesy of Appo)
  • * Telegrad; Removed a tree. (Courtesy of Dev)
  • * Telegrad; Added Telegrad Infirmary interior. (Courtesy of Autumn)
  • * Telegrad; Graveyard & Farm Adjustments. (Courtesy of Slydria)
  • * Duyuei; Minor farmhouse change. (Courtesy of Slydria)
  • * Duyuei Outskirts; Minor farm plot changes. (Courtesy of Slydria)
  • * Geladyne; Added Research Lab interior. (Courtesy of Slydria)
  • * Meiaquar Library; Added backroom interior. (Courtesy of Appo)
  • * Meiaquar; Added Underground Courthouse interior. (Courtesy of Appo)

New Donation Items
  • - Rainbow Torch - This is a torch which you can customize the color of the light for. You can select a single color, or you can select two colors (which it will slowly pulse between).
  • - Orb of Mystery - This is an item which lets you set up profile variations for your current character. Profile variations are basically entirely separate profiles that you can customize the contents, colors, music link, picture, etc. of and swap between using the orb.
  • - Sticker Set 1 - Lets you use a set of Nemalyth and Kinu emotes (from the Discord server) in OOC and LOOC chat channels.
- Donation items which cannot be used in Korvara no longer appear in the Storage Chest's donation shop.
- Adjusted the send to global bank verb; it appears for all items now, but still only works on donation
items. (Let me know if any donation items do not play nicely with it.)
- Reduced the item weight of most donation items to 0 (excluding golden tools).
- Added a stickers button to the HUD to easily see/select a sticker in your chat message.

New Trait
  • - Divine Ease (You have mastered the art of cutting lines, to the point where it is a breeze. While you have this trait, you will automatically succeed tracing any line for the Strange Sight, Eyes of Elimination, and Divine Eyes skills, even if you do nothing.)

New Sandbox Objects
  • - 3 new Sign variants.
  • - Butter Churner.

  • - Power Gradiation; No longer 4M. Now has a 1 round CD instead.

  • - Divine Shower;  Now goes on a 3 round cooldown after being successfully invoked.

  • - Enma's Summons;  Now goes on a 3 round cooldown after being successfully invoked.

  • - The following skills now trigger field objects, traps, and runes, when they reach their destination; Flip Shot, Retreat Flight*, Wind Runner*, Forest Walk, Thunder Steps, Rescue (per ally), Sidecut, Sillcut, Disengage, Swooping Stroke*, Falcon Strike, Nest Flight*, Oarring, Haunting, Kagekiri, Blink, Any Shukuchi Teleport Skill, Heaven Kick, Crane Hop*, Korkenzieher, Backflip, Ice Skate, Rough Tumble, Jetpack, Voidgate*, Vanishing Strike (both), Black Bolt, Detogate, Turnover, Hanging, Crescent Rook, Castling, Retaliate, Aliagmato (all), Warp Strike, Pinball Strike, Shift Dimension (both), Rabbit Leap, Phase Fang, Flame Jetwing
  • - The following skills now trigger field objects, traps, and runes, every time they move (with appropriately reduced FOBJ damage modifiers); Ice Dance, Hirazuki, Peddling Wheel, Chaser, Beast Gait, Avian Glide*
  • * These skills may not trigger them if you go Airborne before/during the skill usage.
  • - The following Bow weapons are now classified as Shortbows; Guiding Shot, Hunting Bow, Spirit Bow, Adversity Annihilator, Filcherbird, Fae Bow, Fortune's Favor
  • - Cursed Wound; Can no longer be dispelled.
  • - Arcanic Potions; Scaling changed is no longer STR, but the basic stat for the weapon. (IE, STR for Swords, GUI for Daggers, etc.)
- New chat commands; emote-full, lemote-full, wemote-full. This can be used to send an emote that is only emote text; your character's name/alias will not be displayed.
- You can now use a limited number line breaks for in-character chat channels (6 max); extra line breaks will be converted to forward slashes as per usual.
- Removed the Zoa from the recipe to make Parasite Removal Kits.
- Battle timer icon now appears on the left side (instead of the right) so that it is not hidden by the typing indicator.
- Changed the battle ring's functionality and optimized it slightly; it will now act as if it is part of the unit it is attached to, meaning you can double click it to see their info/etc.
- Plushies and Style Seeds can no longer be dropped upon defeat.
- Doubleheaded coins can now be flipped via the coin flip function.
- Goblin Spears now have access to an existing Spear skill.
- Face-icon state selector no longer appears tied to your character. Instead, it will appear near the bottom middle of your HUD. (Mainly a change so that your character's location doesn't obscure some states, and the state selector doesn't move around while you do.)
- Added density, animation, and sound effects to daily resource nodes.
- Training Tools (combat dummies) can now be set up in maps that support dynamic objects (such as Korvara).
- You can now open up profiles with another menu open, and you can also move with a profile open.
- Fixed a bug where the Jetpack animation was not playing (again).
- Fixed a bug where emotion bubbles were not layering over certain objects properly.
- Fixed a bug where mercenaries with 0 HP would still attempt to spawn in battle.
- Fixed a bug where dragging/dropping a Battle Item which could be used out of battle (such as a stabilizer) did not work with the new party UI. Also fixed an issue where the item's offset would be messed up after doing so.
- Fixed a bug where Quick Slide, Retreating Swipe, Conduct: Avant, Conduct: Jete, Conduct: Plie weren't reducing damage from field objects based on distance traveled.
- Fixed a bug where using the Use button in the inventory screen on a Portable Smithy/Science/etc Kit did not open the item's conversation box.
- Fixed a bug where Bard songs used by the AI were affecting less units that they were supposed to. (Involved a change to the way get_target is determined, so if any other issues crop up, this is likely why.)
- Fixed a bug where the directional density for some cliff edges was incorrectly set, leading to characters getting stuck.
- Fixed a bug where status and damage effect overlays on big mobs (such as Frost Tyrants) were offset incorrectly.

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