05-16-2021, 06:18 PM
- This is a keyword that can cause additional effects in skills. The effect triggers randomly at a chance equal to X% (X = 10 + Scaled GUI x1.5). Trickery effects can trigger even if a skill is activated through another Trickery effect.
- Pocket Sand - Now has an additional effect; Trickery: Automatically apply your Steal skill to the target.
- Steal - Now has an additional effect; Trickery: Also use your mainhand weapon's attack skill on the target.
- Thorn Scratch - Leave a little mark when you pass, just like bumping against a thorny vine. While you have at least one Dagger weapon equipped, when you move over a tile, any enemy located in that tile will be slashed by you, dealing up to X damage (based on Rank, 4/8/12) equal to your Dagger's Power, of your dagger's damage type. This damage ignores protection. If both of your classes are Rogue classes, the damage cap is doubled.
- Relentless Strikes - Main class only. With every strike, you aim for better spots, honed and relentless. After performing a basic attack, you increase the damage dealt by your basic attacks by 2 for 1 round. (This effect can stack up to a maximum LV.) (2 per Rank, max Rank of 5).
- Throwing Daggers - Main class only. Toss your daggers as if they were projectiles. You can utilize 1 LV of Throwing Daggers to increase the basic attack range of your Dagger weapons by 3. You start battle with LV X (equal to Rank), and gain 1 at the start of a new round, up to a maximum of 3. (If both classes are Rogue classes, you gain 2 at the start of a new round instead.) (Max Rank of 3.)
- Quick Slide - Main class only. 2M. Throw yourself into a slide at a target unoccupied location within 3 Range, quickly repositioning yourself. Trickery: If you have a Trap skill equipped, automatically apply it at your current location before you slide. 2 round CD.
- Rough Tumble - 1M. Use your enemy as a springboard to flip yourself to a more useful location. Targets 1 enemy within 1 Range; if the tile on the other side of them is unoccupied, you will vault over them and land on that tile. 2 round CD.