03-27-2021, 07:05 PM
Inventory Interface Update
The inventory interface has been completely reworked, and contains several new features, such as:
The inventory interface has been completely reworked, and contains several new features, such as:
- Name search bar.
- Item parameter comparison, such as weapon power and hit rate, compared to your currently equipped item.
- Better item filtering options via category buttons.
- Easier item management, letting you swap main-hand/sub-hand weapons, move equipped items to and from the item belt, and rearrange item belt items, etc., through drag and drop.
- More organized item lists based on the page currently selected; equipment and battle items (Equip), usable items (Use Item), and all other item types (Items).
- Use Item page simplifies finding and using usable items.
- Drag and drop directly from the inventory to a utility belt slot to set it.
- You can now also drag and drop utility belt slots to rearrange them.