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[Arbalest] Noodle Arms
[Image: unknown.png]

I think this was changed before Cooldowns were added, so could we make Arbalest a bit more fluid with it? The thing has a chonky FP cost, if not a SP cost, so.

That needs to be changed to 2 round CD, and 4M. (Which technically is the same thing, in regards to the frequency of use, but won't stop you from doing combos with other 3M stuff.)

It's the only skill in game that costs 5M, making it practically cost a whole round since you can't even move with the 2M leftovers. And on top of that, Black Knight can now cleanse the vulnerability away so it's fine to have this baby monster become a little more loose.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
There is actually one more skill that costs 5M and is never used therefore if I remember correctly. Bows special attack versus airborne people. You can basically never combo into it.

But sidenote aside, 5M moves are weird.

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