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[v.2.05b] Whacky Encounters
When you are in a fight and someone requests to join, but they subsequently have a monster aggro onto them and engage them at the same time that you press Yes for them to join the fight, you will end your current encounter to join whatever new encounter they just got into, teleporting from the current battle map to the next, the fight goes as per normal but then this is where the issue starts.

The issue is that when this happens and you exit the new fight, you and your party will appear in the previous battle map, but you still control as if you were on the overworld with arrow key movement and stuff, the monsters in the battle stay completely still and are non-interactable, in essence you get stuck into the battle map with no escape whatsoever without GM assistance or waiting until reboot. (Which then you'll be kicked out into the tutorial)

To replicate in the way that we experienced this:

1) Have Person A be in a fight, solo or party.
2) Have Person B request to join the battle mid-fight.
3) Have Person A accept the invite around the same time that another monster engages Person B.
4) Proceed with the fight as normal.
5) Appear stuck in the old battle map you were using previous.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
This should be corrected in the next version, please test and see when it hits.
[Image: JqzRpEB.png]

The bug still seems to occur with the same method stated originally it seems, the turn timer here is purely visual, no turns are actually being taken.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
Try again next update.

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