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Honed Edge
Changing it to increase scaled weapon attack instead of STR/Fire ATK sounds more interesting to me, and this is coming from someone that has run many duelists with Strength.

Agreed with Spoops' OP and his suggestion of making it a 5-6 bonus at most.
[Image: Fern22.gif]
[Image: unknown.png]
Even if it´s also giving fire attak almost all elemental skills also scale from scaled weapon attack along elemental. So if I gain 3 scaled strength/Fire attack or flat 5-6 scaled weapon attack does not make a huge differnce for those people either way. In fact, a strength/fire build might even benefit from it even more aswell, given how stats work after a certain value (Depends on build of course but those that go for fire attack are most likely having this issue.)

So yeah I rather have it have it´s full use for all set ups then this minimal 1-2 points differnce in damage of a strength build.
I think the fire ATK bonus is off-set by the SWA increase as Shujin brought up, it might sound a bit strange that you're sharpening your blade for more firepower too.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
[Image: PwsziSR-TV23XGssh0EPGQ.png]

*scream* Sharpen your ability with the blade, not the blade. (Bonus points for proving the theory of Weapon Attack being better than STR, in my honest opinion, this only stayed at STR for one reason. Pre-GR. STR was 'the' stat for melee damage, regardless of the weapon type.)
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
There are a lot of things that use Fire ATK but not SWP, so it's not really 1:1. Personally, I think it's fine as it is.
no one used sharpen for fire attack, the small tithe of fire attack gained was forgotten.

1 single kensei skill is sacred arts fire.
no ghost skills are fire
no duelist skills are fire.
LB duelists Get more fire attack from salamander and never use sharpen, because its duration is short
Mage duelists, same as above but with nerhaven.

Even my Arbalest/ Kensei, that liberally abuses fire attack, doesn't have time to fit sharpen inbetween oilchain cooldowns.

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