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Paper Body (Part 2)
"Neus"' Wrote:Steel Body only removes effects that reduce Defense. Buster Cannon doesn't reduce Defense. It reduces Phys Def.

I suggest making it so Steel Body affects every status that lowers your Phys. DEF or your DEF stat. It's a fairly unused skill and there is currently no counter to Buster Cannon besides having large amounts of evade or packing Fellel's Fumble. This would help alleviate that, too.

Perhaps the skill could give a short immunity to these statuses on removal.

Any thoughts?
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Given it is underused and literally was the only reason to ever pick up Steel Body (as Steel Aura is superior to it), I'd say yes. Yes please.

There was literally no other way to combat against Buster Cannon. At least give tanks who use the -actual class meant for tanking- some ability to combat that.
[Image: PersonalNecessaryArmyworm-size_restricted.gif]
Dyrnwyn, ERUPT, and IGNITE!
As I said before, it counted before and probably should still count for the sake of balance, considering Black Knights rely completely on DEF these days.

[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
Without questioning, I also agree with this changing to what were before, and the immunity would be welcomed as well.
I'm gonna be the odd one out and disagree here. Buster Cannon, at the very least, has some additional costs associated with it. Steel Body is a cheap 3M skill that can be used over and over, and will probably become more useful in the future anyway.
"Neus"' Wrote:I'm gonna be the odd one out and disagree here. Buster Cannon, at the very least, has some additional costs associated with it. Steel Body is a cheap 3M skill that can be used over and over, and will probably become more useful in the future anyway.

This is a drawback akin to being Knocked Down. This is saying BKs need to learn how to dodge Buster Cannon (which is hard because most BKs are pure tanks), they need to waste 3M every turn they're hit with Buster Cannon in order to keep their defenses, or let their defenses be shredded apart and picked apart by the Arbalest.

EDIT: I also do want to say that there should be an immunity portion to it- given that BKs are all about their tankiness, why isn't their defense-restoring thing also preventing it from happening further?
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Not really. Buster Cannon isn't removed by Steel Body. Even if it were, I think it only makes sense that if the Arbalest keeps using Buster Cannon, that the BK should keep having to cleanse the status.
It -use- to be removed by Steel Body, however, before the change. Arbalests tend to have methods against armor and defense innately due to the actual Innate's of the class.

Without that for the people attempting to at least be true tanks, they are subjected to being stricken with 100+ damage twice every round. And lets not get started on how if the Arbalest is a tank themselves this is literally causing an inevitable winning side. With the other being an absolute sitting duck. Assuming you do 100 flat damage upon Buster Cannon-ing a tank (this happened to me with a Destiny Soldier Chataran meant to take on such things, but dying, as you'd expect, quickly from magic damage), you will have done at least 500 to 600 damage given how long Buster Cannon stays on someone. And by the time it is gone, you are at such absurdly low HP and helpless that, even as a super-healing Glykin, there isn't an escape. This excludes the multiple ways you can be made further a sitting duck by them via Knocked Down from Heavy Tackle or Pulling Shot. And by the time the status is gone? -They can Buster Cannon you again-.

The immunity isn't needed, but would be appreciated. But having the ability to at least purge Buster Cannon (which literally, is all Steel Body has over Steel Aura in terms of effectiveness), is very vital as a counter. While I know we are trying to nerf tanks with a vendetta, what is stopping people from just doing an Arb tank and being nigh uncontested? Because currently the only way to counter Buster Cannon is with dodge, otherwise. And most dodge-focuses aren't -worth- using it on.
[Image: PersonalNecessaryArmyworm-size_restricted.gif]
Dyrnwyn, ERUPT, and IGNITE!
Or instead of it being a cure, make it halve the LV of those effects (Such as Rampaging, Buster Cannon and etc.) at Rank 3?

It 'can' stay like this, but only if Armor starts mattering in general, and I see this change as an opportunity for us to give Armor and Magic Armor some love. So why not us set a Balance Fu for the sake of buffing Heavy Armor and Light Armor a little bit?
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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