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If the astronomical power level that ghost is currently at is not addressed due to stuff like PvP concerns, I would also like to conclude that fitting in ghost for PvE makes battling monsters extremely trivial, more-so than in any PvP scenario.

Having more monsters allows you to rebound an absurd amount of HP/FP back without any real danger to yourself among having the best AoE spells in the game, not to mention you can still solo almost any boss without AoE if you place a wraithguard with a gravestone right in front of them, making it the infinity tank than a metalaegis hoped it could be.

I've seen new players immediately switch to a standard ghost build, purely due to the fact that it makes everything so easy that its mandatory for earning levels and items without needing to have too much game knowledge at all.

As it is now, ghost does not hold any 'niche' place for making a build as its just that good. Rather than feeling like a berserker/rising threat type of character, you're just the reaper god of death at the start and making you angry only makes you stronger.


With the variety of suggestions here, I would like to see at least something to trim down the absolute craziness this class has to be toned down for a more fun experience from everyone overall.

With the exception of a few very special people, its no fun at all to just outright stomp and win everything you do by playing by the book time and time again.
[Image: tenor.gif]
"K Peculier" post_id=37611 time=1567938708 user_id=429' Wrote:With the exception of a few very special people, its no fun at all to just outright stomp and win everything you do by playing by the book time and time again.

That is more where my issue rests in all of this really, everyone is comparing the absolute stomp of using ghost with the most meta set of items and playstyle possible, (Tarnada, EI Spam, Thunderhooves, Blood Spike and Scarlet Twister snipes [Which works great because hey, SKI and CEL is a must if you want to be a tarnada Duelist] healing your Wraithguard, going 2H...)

It's like comparing the entirety of Magic Gunner with a Quick Draw + Autopistol + Ring of Thorns + Being a Shaitan + Ryart and want to balance the entirety of the class solely on that playstyle. Makes wanting to do something different work and be 'good enough' to hold it's own quite...well..discouraging, because either you go completely meta and copy-paste the same build as the next guy, or you'll be useless since the whole class was balanced around what they use.

I enjoy being gimmicky and shaping a build around what is relevant to my character and what they are going through, but this constant outcry of changing entire classes because of set choices of gear becoming broken if you play just right sincerelly kills the joy of it. And that comes from me that constantly hear people saying "Your character would completely dissimate if you (Insert what everyone else with a similar class choice uses, mainly Tarnada instead of whip, go Cel instead of a decent amount of Def) so you should totally change to that."

Because sadly people are very, very competitive, some even takes pride of doing 600 dmg a turn while being a extremelly powerful tank, but has a kneejerk reaction about another skill that can do 340-ish damage in a 2 turn prep, but hey, 'as long is not about that one build i constantly gloat about, lets nerf it!' right?

Just my [strike]two cents[/strike] coin purse on the matter.
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I'm honestly with Mewni on this one. While there's a singular ghost build that wins consistently with very little chance for counter-play due to a combination of high movement to avoid any potential threat, massive damage, knockdown, and sustainability...

Massive damage and sustainability are two things that ghosts are supposed to be able to do.

There's a lot of knee jerk reactions on this game that take a class from entirely playable to awful in a moment. And changes are so seldom made that they often have to be big. There's no weekly tweak or patch, and so a scorched earth approach is often taken.

I've seen a good number of ghost builds not work. Relying solely on the tools mentioned here, they fail and flop. There's a singular ghost build that consistently gets results despite any RNG available in its build, despite any wasted momentum from knockdown or other distractions, etc. And I feel like people have a bone to pick with that build and how often it's being used. And these balancing points don't effect that at all.

I would say instead of nerfing ghost we should look at buffing other classes to be even half as fun to play, but the last time we tried to buff a class it ended up in a substantial nerf instead with the knee jerk back against it.
Senor anti nerf here, no ghost needs nerfed, its actually better at long range fighting than gunners and rangers right now.
FaeLenx post_id=37613 time=1567958111 user_id=2063 Wrote:I'm honestly with Mewni on this one. While there's a singular ghost build that wins consistently with very little chance for counter-play due to a combination of high movement to avoid any potential threat, massive damage, knockdown, and sustainability...

Massive damage and sustainability are two things that ghosts are supposed to be able to do.

There's a lot of knee jerk reactions on this game that take a class from entirely playable to awful in a moment. And changes are so seldom made that they often have to be big. There's no weekly tweak or patch, and so a scorched earth approach is often taken.

I've seen a good number of ghost builds not work. Relying solely on the tools mentioned here, they fail and flop. There's a singular ghost build that consistently gets results despite any RNG available in its build, despite any wasted momentum from knockdown or other distractions, etc. And I feel like people have a bone to pick with that build and how often it's being used. And these balancing points don't effect that at all.

I would say instead of nerfing ghost we should look at buffing other classes to be even half as fun to play, but the last time we tried to buff a class it ended up in a substantial nerf instead with the knee jerk back against it.

I'd argue that massive damage and sustain are NOT what Ghost is meant to do actually, they were tools it was given in the most recent update for it but for the most part Ghost has always before been about situationally dealing a lot of damage, scaling with the lower health the ghost obtains, and mitigating enough damage to sit comfortably at lower amounts of health, it was the defensive alternative to Kensei which was more about dealing a lot of damage. A while back before Kensei and Ghost's changes they were very equal, which changed for whatever reason.

Ghost's rebound always recovered HP which is true, and it scaled from RES after some time, it was a flat number + Your RES, rather than claret call level + 140% of your RES which also sucks out your FP too I guess? A lot of power was given to Claret Call by arbitrarily giving it the ability to sustain FP super well.

Its not as powerful today but it still sucks out FP rather than regaining it, and one could argue that creating an FP difference is largely more powerful than just upkeeping your's, or we'd be sitting here complaining about Monk's Power-up all day as well.

We've had the ghost update for what, just a little under 5 months? Don't you think its more than just knee-jerk at that point?
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]

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