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SL2 Version 1.61
[float=left][Image: talkav_96.png][/float]

After a month or so, here's our next update. And it's a big one.

1.61 LIVE
Talent System Rework - The talent system has been reworked.
[Image: LAj1EnA.png]
  • You still receive 1 Talent Point per level.
  • Talent points are distributed to talents (IE: Blade Expertise) via the green arrow, which will give you a number of Subpoints, specific to the talent itself. (This can be confirmed in the description of the talent, by mousing over it.)
  • Talents now have a maximum Rank of 10, instead of 5.
  • Subpoints are distributed to subranks (IE: Balance, Adaptation, etc.), which all contain differing effects, by clicking the empty circles in the subpath's line. (Clicking the subpath's name will remove all currently distributed subpoints; mousing over will give a description of the subpath.)
New Talent Interface - A new interface, pictured above, has been added to help manage talents.
Individual Talent Reworks & Additions - Below is a list of all changed and new talents, including subpaths. (Subpaths without a listed subrank next to them are max SR5.)


[Image: GfdwNSr.png]
Blade Expertise
1.5 SP per Rank
  • Balance - Reduces the Battle Weight of Sword and Dagger weapons by up to SR * 1.5
  • Adaptation - Allows you to equip any Sword weapon with a Rarity equal to or less than SR*2.
  • Reliability - For Sword and Dagger weapons: increases Hit by SR * 1.5, reduces Durability consumption by SR * 5%.

[Image: HiUBVKO.png]
Axe Expertise
1.5 SP per Rank
  • Balance - Reduces the Battle Weight of Axe weapons by up to SR * 1.5
  • Adaptation - Allows you to equip any Axe weapon with a Rarity equal to or less than SR*2.
  • Deadliness - For Axe weapons: increases Critical by SR * 1.5, and Critical Damage by SR * 1%.

[Image: BhxJD2m.png]
Polearm Expertise
1.5 SP per Rank
  • Balance - Reduces the Battle Weight of Polearm weapons by up to SR * 1.5
  • Adaptation - Allows you to equip any Polearm weapon with a Rarity equal to or less than SR*2.
  • Thin Tip - For Polearm weapons: increases Power by SR * 1.5 when attacking an enemy in melee range who is facing you.

[Image: CHECCFq.png]
1.5 SP per Rank
  • Balance - Reduces the Battle Weight of Bow weapons by up to SR * 1.5
  • Adaptation - Allows you to equip any Bow weapon with a Rarity equal to or less than SR*2.
  • Close Shot - For Bow weapons: decreases close range Hit penalty by SR * 5%. Doubled for Shortbows.

[Image: C4rhdqI.png]
Unarmed Combat
1.5 SP per Rank
  • Balance - Reduces the Battle Weight of Fist weapons by up to SR * 1.5
  • Adaptation - Allows you to equip any Fist weapon with a Rarity equal to or less than SR*2.
  • Dizzy - For Fist weapons: basic attacks that hit reduce the target's FP by SR * 1. 50% effective VS Light Armor, 25% effective against Heavy Armor.

[Image: HRI6Zbo.png]
1 SP per Rank
  • Volley - For Bow and Gun weapons: Increases attack range by SR * 1. (Max SR: 2)
  • Wind Read - Increases maximum range before Farshot Penalty is applied by SR * 1. (Max SR: 3)
  • Adaptation - Allows you to equip any Gun weapon with a Rarity equal to or less than SR*2.

[Image: RZiAgdH.png]
2 SP per Rank
  • Self-Service - For yourself: Restores Durability of equipped weapon(s) after every battle by SR * 1, up to 75% max. Durability. If you have two weapons equipped, half the effect is applied to both weapons.
  • Squad-Service - Allows all other party members to receive the benefit of your Self-Service, at SR * 20% of its usual effectiveness. (Note: Only the highest Squad-Service in the party applies.)
  • Mastery - Increases the maximum durability your Maintenance effects can repair up to, by SR * 3%. (90% at SR5.)
  • Emergency Service - Grants a battle skill that can only target those with a broken weapon(s). On use, consumes 2 Murai and restores the broken weapon(s)' Durability to SR * 1 (has a 5 round cooldown).


[Image: lNcwChS.png]
2 SP per Rank
  • Health - Every 15 steps while out of combat, if you are below 75% of your maximum HP, you recover SR * 1 HP.
  • Stamina - The amount of Physical Stamina recovered every hour is increased by SR * 1.

[Image: oZcCpPY.png]
1 SP per Rank
  • Will - Grants resistance to the effect of Fear by SR * 25% (min. of -1 Hit). Reduces the duration of Fear of Death by SR * 1 rounds. (Max SR: 3)
  • Determination - Unfaltering courage grants resistance to the effect of Hesitation equal to SR * 15%. (Max SR: 3)
  • Heat of Battle - While not at the edge of the battlefield: Power increased by SR * 1, and Phys & Mag Def VS monsters increased by SR * 1%. Bonuses doubled if enemy is at the battlefield's edge. (Max SR: 3)

GUIDE: Fear of Death -

[Image: V5Vjwdz.png]
1 SP per Rank
  • Full Swing - While you do not have a Shield nor Sub-Weapon equipped: increases the Scaled Weapon ATK of Swords, Axes, and Spears by SR * 2%. Doubled for Heavy weapons.

[Image: tFqk8TK.png]
2 SP per Rank
  • Honor - Recover SR * 1 FP when hitting an enemy with a basic attack from their front. (Does not apply if target is knocked down or your party outnumbers them.)
  • Smite - Increases Hit by SR * 3 when attacking an enemy from their front. (Does not apply if target is knocked down or your party outnumbers them.)

[Image: kDZVHsq.png]
First Aid
1 SP per Rank
  • Healing - At the end of a battle, all party members are healed for SR * 2 HP, up to a maximum of 90% maximum HP.
  • Treatment - At the end of a battle, you automatically treat afflictions party members are suffering from, up to a certain severity based on SR. 1 = Minor, 2 = Moderate, 3 = Major. (Max SR: 3)
  • Prevention - Decreases the chance of everyone in the aprty from suffering afflictions in battle, by SR * 10% of the normal chance. (Only the highest Prevention in the party takes effect.)

GUIDE: Afflictions System -

[Image: O2MCQXx.png]
1.5 SP per Rank
  • Take Prisoner - Grants access to the Capture skill, which attacks an enemy in 1 Range with penalties to hit and damage. If it successfully reduces the target to 0 HP, they are captured. You can have a maximum of SR * 1 prisoners at once.
  • Restrain - Grants access to the Grapple skill, which inflicts Immobilize on you and a target within 1 Range if successful. Success rate is equal to SR * 17%, plus 2% for every character level you exceed the target by.
  • Convert - Monsters can be sold to interested parties such as arena masters. However, this talent allows you to convert monsters you have captured into mercenaries by paying a small Murai fee to them. Success rate is equal to SR * 20%; upon failure, you must wait 3 in-game hours to renegotiate.
  • Seize - If prisoner space is available, there is a SR * 1% chance of automatically capturing defeated non_CPs after a battle, if the enemy's level is equal to or less than 1.25x of your level. (Rolled for each potential prisoner).

GUIDE: Prisoners -

[Image: G0AQeEb.png]
Combat Drilling
1.5 SP per Rank
  • Experience - Increases the amount of experience points gained from battles for the entire party by SR * 2%. (Note: Only the highest Experience in the party applies.)
  • Training - Lets you train certain NPCs and other characters (by selecting the Training option from PvP menu.) EXP gained increases with SR.
  • Tools - Lets you set up Training Tools in your camps, crafted with Tool Creation, up to a maximum of SR * 1. Refer to the individual tools for more details.

GUIDE: Training -


[Image: QKQpgm8.png]
2 SP per Rank
  • Potency - Increases your Fire ATK by SR * 1.
  • Efficiency - Reduces the FP cost of Nerifian domain spells by SR * 3%. (Only the highest applicable Efficiency applies.)
  • Scorch - Increases the duration of all Cinder tiles you create by SR * 1 round(s).
  • Ignis - Increases the success rate of you applying Burn status effects by SR * 3%.

[Image: eqnPSEr.png]
2 SP per Rank
  • Potency - Increases your Ice ATK by SR * 1.
  • Efficiency - Reduces the FP cost of Aquarian domain spells by SR * 3%. (Only the highest applicable Efficiency applies.)
  • Freeze - Increases the duration of all Ice Sheet tiles you create by SR * 1 round(s).

[Image: 8Z4KpRO.png]
2 SP per Rank
  • Potency - Increases your Earth ATK by SR * 1.
  • Efficiency - Reduces the FP cost of Isespian domain spells by SR * 3%. (Only the highest applicable Efficiency applies.)
  • Magnet - Increases the duration of Magnetize status effects you apply by SR * 1 round(s).

[Image: sJKzV7t.png]
2 SP per Rank
  • Potency - Increases your Wind ATK by SR * 1.
  • Efficiency - Reduces the FP cost of Sylphid domain spells by SR * 3%. (Only the highest applicable Efficiency applies.)
  • Air Shaft - Increases the duration of all Air Shaft tiles you create by SR * 1 round(s).

[Image: 2a3kKAV.png]
2 SP per Rank
  • Potency - Increases your Water ATK by SR * 1.
  • Efficiency - Reduces the FP cost of Aquarian domain spells by SR * 3%. (Only the highest applicable Efficiency applies.)

[Image: 5En1owj.png]
2 SP per Rank
  • Potency - Increases your Dark ATK by SR * 1.
  • Efficiency - Reduces the FP cost of Huggessoan domain spells by SR * 3%. (Only the highest applicable Efficiency applies.)
  • Black Sea - Increases the duration of all Dark Water tiles you create by SR * 1 round(s).

[Image: Ejd8qmW.png]
2 SP per Rank
  • Potency - Increases your Light ATK by SR * 1.
  • Efficiency - Reduces the FP cost of Mercalan domain spells by SR * 3%. (Only the highest applicable Efficiency applies.)
  • Eternity - Increases the duration of all Light Shaft tiles you create by SR * 1 round(s).

[Image: LTZJKFq.png]
2 SP per Rank
  • Potency - Increases your Lightning ATK by SR * 1.
  • Efficiency - Reduces the FP cost of Nature domain spells by SR * 3%. (Only the highest applicable Efficiency applies.)
  • Lowrath - Increases the chance of Lightning criticals by SR * 2%.
  • Ampage - Increases the damage of Lightning criticals by SR * 3%.


[Image: KmPg9Ui.png]
1 SP per Rank
  • Depth - Increases your maximum FP by SR * 5.
  • Absorption - Absorbing focus from the air increases your FP Regeneration by SR * 1. (Max SR: 3)
  • Recycle - In battle, spells cast by other restore your FP by SR * 4% of its cost, or 3 FP, whichever is higher.

[Image: 4svJyzl.png]
1.5 SP per Rank
  • Whimsy - Increases your Status Infliction by SR * 2%.
  • Efficiency - Reduces the FP cost of Enchant-class spells by SR * 3%. (Only the highest applicable Efficiency applies.)
  • Prolong - Increases the duration of Enchant-class Spell status effects by SR * 1 round(s); half effective on enemies.

[Image: G3qs0py.png]
2 SP per Rank
  • Basics - Allows you to read and write where appropriate. (Max SR: 1)
  • Stamina - Long nights of reading have trained your mind, increasing the amount of Mental Stamina you recovery every hour by SR * 1.
  • Spellbook - Use your book as storage space, increasing your maximum Skill Pool size by SR * 1, but only if you have a Tome equipped.
  • Balance - Heavy books get less heavy the more you carry them around. Reduces the Battle Weight of Tomes by up to SR * 1.5.
  • Adaptation - Allows you to equip any Tome weapon with a Rarity equal to or less than SR * 2.

[Image: LKq9mPP.png]
1.5 SP per Rank
  • Words of Power - Taking damage while invoking can cause the spell to fail, but this talent decreases the chance of your Invocations breaking in this fashion by SR * 10%. (At SR10, they will never break because of damage.) (Max SR: 10)
  • Minor Glyph - While invoking only, a magical barrier will protect you, increasing your Armor and Magic Armor by SR * 1.

[Image: stwMnG7.png]
2 SP per Rank
  • Tutor - Increases the EXP your Youkai gain by SR * 3%. If the Youkai is lower level than you, this bonus is doubled.
  • Friendship - You have a good relationship with your Youkai, increasing the starting friendship you have with them by SR * 2, and the friendship gained from gifts by SR * 1.


[Image: JyVPDZu.png]
1.5 SP per Rank
  • Delivery - Increases the range of most item skills by SR * 1.
  • Perfect - Increases the effectiveness and/or gives bonus effects to some consumable item skills based on SR.
  • Gatherer - Increases the chance of collecting alchemy ingredients from plants by SR * 20%.

[Image: 3j7by34.png]
2 SP per Rank
  • Starsign - Adds a Starsign to the occult window in the character status screen. Selecting one grants a small bonus to one statistic and elemental ATK, but this effect is more pronounced during the month(s) the starsign governs. (Note: Once you confirm your starsign selection, it cannot be changed unless you respec your talents.) (Max SR: 1)
  • Guidance - Grants guidance from the stars, increasing your trap detection range in Space dungeons only by SR * 1 tiles.
  • Stargazer - Looking at the stars gives you a good feeling, increases your HP and FP recovery while in a camp with a campfire by SR * 3%, but only during the night.

GUIDE: Astrology -

[Image: kwMkm6c.png]
1.5 SP per Rank
  • Divine Sign - Increases chances of successfully enchanting and increases the effects of Exorcism and Blessed enchantments. Success rate is increased by SR * 3%. Blessed bonus to hit is increased by SR * 2. Exorcism damage bonus is increased by SR * 5%.
  • Prayer - Lets you use an altar or religious symbol to pray, granting a Prayer status for SR * 5 rounds that persists through battles. Praying requires some Mental Stamina.
  • Intervention - While a Prayer status is active, grants a SR * 1% chance that any damage you take will be reduced by your Scaled Faith.

GUIDE: Prayer -

[Image: n9xQCaw.png]
1.5 SP per Rank
  • Perception - Allows you to sense spirits in the area, the distance of which is based on SR. Spirits will appear as black or white, called 'paging', which shows if they are malicious (black) or not (white).
  • Release - Allows you to release perceived spirits, exorcising them. Requires Mental Stamina. Success is based on SR and the spirit's page, and success grants roleplaying EXP. Failure may result in negative effects if the spirit is black.
  • Possession - Rather than release, you allow a spirit to possess you temporarily, up to a maximum of SR. Depending on the page, the effect differs, which can be confirmed in the occult window. Having a spirit possess you treats you as Possessed race for certain effects. (Spirits will escape when you are reduced to 0 HP.)

GUIDE: Spiritualism -


[Image: nxIUboV.png]
1.5 SP per Rank
  • First Move - At the start of a battle, except back attacks, you gain Initiative LV SR * 1 for the first round, which increases your Move by LV, as well as CEL (for the purposes of determining turn order) by SR * 2.
  • Food Supply - You pack emergency food supplies. If you are hungry at the end of a battle, you will automatically eat one. You stock SR * 1 total, whcih refill when resting at an inn.
  • Just In Case - Extra items come in handy sometimes. Increases your Item Belt size by SR * 1. (Max SR: 3)

[Image: euabMtQ.png]
1.5 SP per Rank
  • Hoarder - Increases your maximum carrying capacity by SR * 5.
  • Hauler - Increases your maximum Battle Weight by SR * 2.
  • Hider - Reduces the total number of items dropped upon defeat by SR * 15%.

[Image: oEkpTed.png]
1.5 SP per Rank
  • Keen Eye - Increases the range and skill of your ability to detect traps on the ground or on objects, based on SR.
  • Solver - Decreases the Mental Stamina required to recover traps (including your own) by SR * 1, to a minimum of 1. (Max SR: 3)
  • Trenchman - Digging trenches has made you fast at digging in general, decreasing the time it takes to dig holes by SR * 7% of the shovel's base speed.
  • Landmarker - You have a good memory for places. Upon closing a treasure map, the spot the treasure is hidden at will be marked (for only you) with an X for SR * 5 seconds.

[Image: 7VgBJrY.png]
2 SP per Rank
  • Knowledge - Determines the base success rate for opening locks, which is equal to SR * 10%. However, a lock may be more or less difficult depending on the quality of the lockpick you use, as well as the strength of the lock itself. (Max SR: 10)
  • Dexterity - Swift movements decrease the time it takes to attempt to pick a lock by SR * 0.5 seconds.
  • Disarm - Lets you disarm traps and increases the success rate of doing so by SR * 15%.
  • Failsafe - Decreases the chance that failed disarm attempts on a trap will trigger it accidentally by SR * 20%. (At SR5, you will never trigger them by accident.)

[Image: yDc2bDT.png]
2 SP per Rank
  • Miner - Boosts the chance of successfully finding items while mining ore veins by SR * 20%.
  • Scavenger - Boosts the chance of successfully finding wood and food at old campfires by SR * 20%.
  • Fieldworker - Decreases the time it takes to hoe dirt into farm soil by SR * 7% of the hoe's base speed.
  • Lumberjack - Decreases the time it takes to cut down trees by SR * 7% of the axe's base speed.
  • Experienced - Decreases the chance of suffering minor injuries while performing mining, scavenging, hoeing, or woodcutting by SR * 17%.

[Image: yponya3.png]
2 SP per Rank
  • Feast - Allows you to use Feast Table Kits to setup feast tables inside of camps. Feast tables require 10x of a single food item to setup; anyone can eat food off the table. The feast tables you set up will hold 10 + (SR * 2) servings, and the food will be SR * 10% better, and last SR * 1 longer.
  • Camp Meal - Allows you to set up Cooking Pots in camps by cooking something at a campfire. Anyone may eat from the pot, and it serves 1 + SR *1 meals, which are SR * 3% better and SR * 1 more filling.

[Image: QWopN7E.png]
2 SP per Rank
  • Sneak - When engaging a monster on the map, if they haven't been alerted, you and your party members gain Sneak for SR * 1 rounds. (Only the highest Sneak in the party takes effect.) (Max SR: 3)
  • Plain - Obscures the appearances and names of your equipment when examined by other players, and prevents them from seeing its details. What is hidden depends on SR; SR 1 = Accessories, 2 = Legs, 3 = Hands, 4 = Torso, 5 = Weapons.
  • Moneyboot - You start hiding some money in your boots, decreasing the amount of Murai you drop upon defeat by SR * 15%. (Still effective for Nagas, somehow...) (Max SR: 2)

Companions Interface - Added a new interface for managing mercenaries, youkai, and prisoners.
Health Interface - Added a new interface that shows stamina totals, hunger, and afflictions for the new system listed above.
Custom Alerts - Added a new custom alert system and interface to handle various player inputs.
Custom Selection Input - Added a new custom input system and interface to handle various player inputs.
Adjusted - Snakescale material now grants 5% Poison resistance.
Adjusted - Menov poison damage boost lowered to 1.5x (from 2x).
Adjusted - You can now view your scaled stat values by double-clicking yourself in battle.
Adjusted - Immobilize now prevents most skills that cause movement which aren't teleports, specifically; Heaven Kick, Peddling Wheel, Parting Shot, Crane Hop, Sidecut, Sillcut, Leaping Lizard, Haunting, Snake Dancer, Wild Ride, Chaser
Adjusted - Fleur is now a main class only skill.
Adjusted - Instinct (Leporidae) now applies before Kensei's Quickdraw is checked, letting the skills combo effectively.
Adjusted - Requests that do not give items are no longer blocked from being turned in if you're over-encumbered.
Adjusted - Huggessoan invocation text now shows up as purple.
Adjusted - Ice Skate will now stop if you hit a dense object that isn't a combatant.
Adjusted - Exceptional Skill is now an antiquated trait.
Adjusted - Status effects are saved when you disconnect from the game, so status effects that last through multiple battles will be saved. Please test and make sure nothing went screwy, especially if you disconnect during a battle and it's finished while you are disconnected.
Adjusted - Deleted the old talent interface from the skin file.
Adjusted - Blazing Shinken's Cinders now have a LV equal to 100% of your Fire ATK.
Adjusted - When taking damage, you are told if it is magical or physical in the battle log.
Adjusted - Made an optimization regarding look-up on Youkai summons existing.
Adjusted - laplaceNET requests that require delivery of a certain item now let you pick which one you want to deliver, provided you have more than one of that item type in your inventory. This uses the new custom input interface.
Adjusted - Various image and sound optimizations, reducing the .rsc file size by about 25%.
Adjusted - White spirits can only increase the rank of active skills now.
Adjusted - The following Soldier skills have had their scaling ATK changed to 100%+5% per Rank: Shinken, Turnover, Roundtrip, Retreating Swipe
Adjusted - Martial Artist's Peddling Wheel scaling ATK changed to 100%+5% per Rank.
Adjusted - Duelist's Crystal Rose scaling ATK changed to 80%+5% per Rank.
Adjusted - Duelist's Lance de Lion has received the following adjustments: 1) No longer interacts with Perfect Poise. 2) Can no longer be used during the same turn as basic Movement. 3) Momentum cost reduced to 3. 4) Now has a 5 round cooldown. 5) Area of effect changed from a single tile to a 2-length 3-wide line.
Adjusted - Demon Hunter's Rising Tide scaling ATK changed to 100%+6% per Rank.
Adjusted - Whulf's Shooting Star skill now also scales with 50% of your Light ATK.
Adjusted - Magic Pocket enchantment changed to increase maximum item carrying capacity by 10.
Adjusted - Leviathan enchantment changed to increase maximum HP by 60.
Adjusted - Tannin enchantment changed to increase maximum FP by 60.
Adjusted - Fireheart, Iceheart, Geoheart, Windheart enchantment changed to give +2 to a specific stat and +3 elemental ATK for the appropriate ATK.
Adjusted - Warwalk enchantment changed to +20 HP, +20 FP.
Adjusted - References to talent boosts in other enchantments removed.
* Bug Reports
- Fixed several truckloads of bugs.

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