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Putting the Void back in Void Assassin - Printable Version

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Putting the Void back in Void Assassin - Perdition - 12-22-2020

This may be a VA thread but it has nothing to do with daggers shockingly.

It has to do with Void magic.

Void Assassins can rip open gates to the void multiple times and leave multiple of them open at once, and traverse them at their own whim with pinpoint accuracy, choosing which gate they want to arrive at...

...and yet they can't use Blink?

In my opinion Voidgates should be changed like this:

If you cast Voidgate with a Voidgate being located within 1 tile of your space already, it refunds 3m and you teleport to the location of Voidgate cast.

So, for example. The round starts, you use voidgate for 3M and place a voidgate to the left of you. You then use voidgate again, for 4M, placing the second one at the maximum range away from you. This would trigger the aforementioned ability and move you to that second Voidgate location you just placed, and then return 3M to you, leaving you with 3M left.

Another example, the round changes and you're at the voidgate you traveled to last round. You cast Voidgate at another far away location--since you're still within 1 range of a Voidgate, you teleport to the Voidgate you've just casted, refunding the 3M spent on the ability and keeping you at 7M, with Voidgate of course now under repeat action's stipulation.

As a Void -Assassin- I think this adds fitting mobility to the VA's kit, and also gives them a form of Blink of their own without just copying it from mage and pasting it into VA's skill tree. This conveys them being able to quickly travel through portals, either immediately if need be or with preparation.

RE: Putting the Void back in Void Assassin - Snake - 12-22-2020

Simplifying, you mean 'Blink' to a spot and leave a Voidgate on both the starting and end point? I'd like that, it makes more sense than 'opening a voidgate to then jump in it for 5M' that we have rn.

RE: Putting the Void back in Void Assassin - Perdition - 12-22-2020

Essentially, if you have a voidgate within 1 tile of you and you use voidgate, it refunds 3m and then you go to wherever you voidgated.

So you can either use it twice for a 4m blink of sorts, or you can take advantage of a network of gates and have a free jump through a voidgate if you already have one near you.

RE: Putting the Void back in Void Assassin - Hanzo - 12-31-2020

Good LORD, have mercy - and make my fingers strong LORD, so that I may type this out.

Voidgate should be VA's signature ability, when - in most cases, nobody takes it. At least not physical void assassin, or even destiny rogues. The only time you will actually see it, at least hypothetically, is in a dark-mage sort of build. Sadly, it is as the title says: there is no void, in void assassin. It has became "the dagger class", with that one ability nobody uses. In fact, the "big" skill that every class has, VA practically does not. Don't have to speak about BB, eliminate is an unfunny joke. Like shit, couldn't there have been a status or something for applying it to players? No? Literally nothing? Doesn't even work? 

I will also remind everyone that gimping REFRACTION was completely unnecessary. It was something that required massive setup, was very telegraphed, and on top of that, dealt THE MOST RESISTED DAMAGE TYPE IN THE GAME. And, not only that, but the positional changes - where everyone can chose where to start, did a lot of damage to the class. What did VA get in return for another unneeded nerf? Eh, nothing.

And nothing will be its future, if it keeps being this cringe.

RE: Putting the Void back in Void Assassin - Perdition - 01-01-2021

Oh believe me, the last few days I've been saying that you could delete the word "Void" from Void Assassin and the class would barely change outside of deleting Detogate, Voidgate and Black Bolt, all of which are entirely lackluster anyway. The rest is literally just purple colored generic assassin skills that are fluffed by being 'void'. Black elixir and wash away? Alchemy concoctions. Vanishing Strike? Could easily just be hanging-esque movement. Cutthroat is just an ordinary dagger skill. Fray isn't even unique to VA, a bunch of other things apply it.

But everyone seems content with it just being the dagger class. So it seems like it'll just be the "dagger" class. Assassin--not Void Assassin.

What I liked about my idea is that it not only acts as a means for VA to have "blink" without just copy and pasting it to VA's skill tree if they choose to void gate twice in succession to move, but it encourages planning and ramps up the VA's threat. The more void gates they'd have around the map, the more free mobility they'd have. They could map out the order they want to place gates to have a route through the battlefield, cover corners, etc.

RE: Putting the Void back in Void Assassin - sadbot - 01-01-2021

VA is so pulled in two entirely different directions between void magic and daggers that at this point I'd almost say that it should be ripped into two separate promotions that are then built on to have them fully realized. Void assassin and highwayman/mercenary/bandit perhaps with more of a dagger focus. Unfortunately I feel like just the more 'void' end of void assassin would be far too similar to hexer, although with some new support in this case that could be remedied.

Anyways, making voidgates more akin to 'blinking with portals' would be a nice change that I think both varieties of VA would appreciate.

...Blinking with portals. get it?

I'll see myself out.

RE: Putting the Void back in Void Assassin - Ham - 01-01-2021

I'd love that change to Void Assassin actually, it's one of my fav classes concept wise that imo isn't represented the best, I've had the thread of making a new proper Dagger class that isn't reliant on magic for once so the classes like Spellthief and Void Ass Ass In remain purely what their name suggests so their identity isn't stripped for the sheer reason of 'There's no other option if you want to go physical assassin/w.e' but i'm getting sidetracked.

Did you know I never found out how I never properly understood how Voidgates work for the first year of playing because I thought I had to make two portals and pass through one to get to the other? Simpler times. I feel like the skill's description being abit more clarifying would do wonders, wether this change passes through or not (which I hope to god this change happens)