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So guys. I wondered. - Printable Version

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So guys. I wondered. - Skullcatrons - 01-13-2018

is Sigrogana big enough?

[Image: MonasteryBigEnough.png]

Re: So guys. I wondered. - Kiranis - 01-13-2018

Considering how many factions exist but don't have cities or towns. not really? also would be nice to see more places where dungeons can spawn grinding STOPS at around 40 because i don't see many dungeons of thaT level often

Re: So guys. I wondered. - Skullcatrons - 01-13-2018

so guys. I got into a fight, and I got silenced.

[Image: XglNui6.png]
I just realized how big this was.

Re: So guys. I wondered. - Skullcatrons - 01-13-2018

"Kiranis" Wrote:Considering how many factions exist but don't have cities or towns. not really? also would be nice to see more places where dungeons can spawn grinding STOPS at around 40 because i don't see many dungeons of thaT level often

On serious note.
There is multiple people trying to work, and trying to get maps implemented so that Dev would be burdened with less work to be able to give us new cities provided by the community. Though it's a struggle for some people who are not fairly decent with mapkit system.

Grinding doesn't stop around at level 40. There is two dungeons: Darkwood Manor, and Argentstyle Cave where the levels are scaled to you as long as you keep grinding in these two area. They'll alway increase, and be equal to your level, but they'll never go above your level unless the party leader is a higher level than you. I've not tested Shrine of Bal Kai to see if their monsters there scale to your level, or not since it was just area where I rushed to get quests done, and screenshots how to finish it.

Granted, it would be nice to have more dungeons. I'm pretty certain Black Doors is sufficient for most cases, and sure it get boring. That's why people grinds low-level friends at Colossal towers, to get them to level 60 in fastest route.

TLBig GrinR: Expanding stuff is hard for Dev. Mappers are low in numbers, and people that are willing to teach can be harder to find.

Re: So guys. I wondered. - Kiranis - 01-13-2018

And I agree with all that but I was answering your original question Smile

SL2 is not big enough until all factions exist in some form or another.

Re: So guys. I wondered. - Skullcatrons - 01-15-2018

It would definitely be great method. The issue is, the more locations there will be. The more thinned the community can become.

So going TOO big, can be problematic. Sure alot of people agreed on Arena, and CEllsvich-

but there'll be a time and place when people changes location.

Re: So guys. I wondered. - Chaos - 01-15-2018

I have a better question:

Can we achieve the overworld view shown in the OP?

Re: So guys. I wondered. - Skullcatrons - 01-15-2018

"Chaos" Wrote:I have a better question:

Can we achieve the overworld view shown in the OP?

That, is actually a good question.

We don't even know if it is possible, without it being some kind of extremely high ground, or like ontop of very high hill.
Most 2D creatores never really bothers to make overworld view, since it takes too much effort, and even not as rewarding.
Unless we decides to make it so player can toggle down-ground/up-sky view where they look at the ground. Then they can look up to see if it's night, dark, moonshape, etc-etc.