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Godly Breakdown - Printable Version

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Godly Breakdown - Lonestar - 12-20-2016

Could we have a small chance of getting Godly type enchants (Vorpal, Divine etc.) while breaking down items? Like, 5~10%?

Re: Godly Breakdown - Exxy - 12-20-2016

The only way I would be okay with this is if it were 0.1% - 1% chance at max. . . although this could possibly devalue (by that , I mean devalue slightly) one of the few reasons to use Legend Inks outside of Abilities/Effects in the Book.

Re: Godly Breakdown - Akame - 12-20-2016

I agree with Exxy. We just need more ways to get legend inks.

Re: Godly Breakdown - Lonestar - 12-20-2016

I honestly wouldn't mind if it was 1%, that's the chance of getting a super rare item in most of the games around, anyways.

It's just that every time I drop a Vorpal/Divine item and there's no chance of getting the catalyst hurts my soul a little.

And I agree with more ways of getting Legend Inks, considering Legend Extention is the only way after you finishes all the quests that gives them, but that's a thing for another topic.

Re: Godly Breakdown - Snake - 12-20-2016

Same goes to Rampaging and Borneblood, though those can't be bought with Legend Inks.

Legend Inks are supposed to be used more in the Legend Journal, using those for enchants just delays your char's general growth for a simple extra utility in a weapon.

I'd not see anything against having a 10% chance of those coming back on breakdowns. 20% chance is nigh-impossible on Rebellion enchant anyway, and remember you are 'destroying' a weapon forever with minimal refunds, the murai you spend on them won't come back, the weapon parts used on them won't come back, the odds are against you and those rare enchants being wasted on breakdowns is more of a hassle, to be honest.

"Exxy" Wrote:The only way I would be okay with this is if it were 0.1% - 1% chance at max. . .
[Image: 59e3e98bd8794d4a8afcb90dc7e1b9ed.png] Because I got no words.

Re: Godly Breakdown - Chaos - 12-20-2016

5~10% on breakdown sounds reasonable. Handing out more Legend Inks just for the sake of 1~2 catalysts does not.

Re: Godly Breakdown - Autumn - 12-20-2016

5% is still 1 in 20 on an already rare as hell drop, I say 5-10% tbh, 1% is actually just non existent and won't ever happen, and since material kits exist you're better off selling vorpal/divine weapons you get anyway.

Re: Godly Breakdown - Exxy - 12-21-2016

"Snake" Wrote:PS:
"Exxy" Wrote:The only way I would be okay with this is if it were 0.1% - 1% chance at max. . .
[Image: 59e3e98bd8794d4a8afcb90dc7e1b9ed.png] Because I got no words.

HOWdoIevenrespondtothis???? I love you Koonie.

Maybe 1% Base with Enchanting increasing the % chance by 1 per level?

EDIT: If not, I suppose 5% would be a fine-enough standard for Divine Enchantments.

Re: Godly Breakdown - Snake - 12-21-2016

Those can't be changed or shouldn't, 10% is good enough for crying out loud, trust me. xD

Re: Godly Breakdown - Neus - 12-21-2016

I'd rather not.