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[QUE] Highwrath and Sillcut/Sidecut - Printable Version

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[QUE] Highwrath and Sillcut/Sidecut - Autumn - 02-23-2016

I was doing a couple tests and it seems that Swift Sillcut/Sidecut's bonus is 15%, which is normal, but it seems that this number does not change for when I have highwrath(+25 crit at max rank) equipped, and I can't tell if it's a UI mis-read or not because I've missed what should be 105% crits with this, instead probably being somewhere around 80-85%

So my question is, does Highwrath apply to Swift Sillcut/Sidecut? If it doesn't, can this maybe end up applying?

a couple pictures for references.

Couloir reading my regular critical hit rate:
[Image: 5aaa7aa000.png]

Swift Sillcut reading the modded critical hit rate:
[Image: 7db2985382.png]

Re: [QUE] Highwrath and Sillcut/Sidecut - Neus - 02-26-2016

Highwrath does not apply in this scenario, since Redgull only increases the critical rate of the skill; it doesn't apply the 'lightning scores a critical hit' effect, which Highwrath boosts.