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Chimera Enterprises' Complaint Forum - Printable Version

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Chimera Enterprises' Complaint Forum - catabur - 05-18-2015

Sender: chimeraenterpises@l-net.grm

Here at Chimera Enterprises, we put the customer first. But, as all great companies and merchants know, sometimes the day is rough and the customers follow. Which is why after careful consideration, we have decided to open a special little section for anyone to post it. Wherever it be your scathing reviews, misunderstood complaints, or even a suggestion on how you think we can better run the company, all of it could be here!

We will try to read over and consider each and everything you post.

Re: Chimera Enterprises' Complaint Forum - Chaos - 05-18-2015

Sender: mynameisbilljoe@l-net.grm

your employee killed my father

prepare to die

Re: Chimera Enterprises' Complaint Forum - catabur - 05-18-2015

"[url=' Wrote:Chaos » Sun May 17, 2015 10:23 pm[/url]"]Sender: mynameisbilljoe@l-net.grm

your employee killed my father

prepare to die

Sender: chimeraenterpises@l-net.grm

As per company standards, a sad orange will be sent to you.

We thank you for your feedback, have a nice day.

Re: Chimera Enterprises' Complaint Forum - Tsundere - 05-18-2015

"[url=' Wrote:Chaos » Mon May 18, 2015 4:23 am[/url]"]Sender: mynameisbilljoe@l-net.grm

your employee killed my father

prepare to die
Response: mortimerheathe@l-net.grm

sorry brah XD

Re: Chimera Enterprises' Complaint Forum - Mitikozuki - 06-15-2015

There's a lack of dank memes. This is concerning.

*Raven and Rudy wanted more business suited loli of legal age k thx bye

Re: Chimera Enterprises' Complaint Forum - Clockworkers Doll - 07-17-2015

Mini-Golf Event instructions unclear, got my [strike]dick[/strike]arm stuck in the hole.

Re: Chimera Enterprises' Complaint Forum - Genevieve - 01-01-2016

Sender: 419prince@l-net.grm

goood day dear sir/madam(s)

i am khaleed al-katgirlidae from kylensia

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as part of standard lottery security measures, the kuhlensian peoples' banke requires the following identification vertification measures as standard
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