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All-Fight (Monk) - Printable Version

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All-Fight (Monk) - Snake - 01-16-2024

The passive makes it so you, once per round, you gain more Ki when fighting multiple enemies. But it doesn't do anything else beyond that and a measible 5% damage buff.

This should do more to be a proper Main Class-only skill, so the master of making things busted is here to fix that problem, proposing...!

Quote:All Fight

True monks know the value of time and being efficient, and therefore try to deal with as many enemies as possible at once. When damaging an enemy, if that enemy has not been damaged by the Monk in same round, the damage is increased by 10% and it generates 5 Ki for the user.

Additionally, you negate Flanking bonuses from the enemy, and damage from Evasive Strike is increased by 50% of your SWA per enemy within 2 range of you (max. 150%).

I've adjusted a new idea below, check it out!

RE: All-Fight (Monk) - Poruku - 01-18-2024

That's op as fuck bro, 10% damage once a round is already pretty good, plus you get ki.

Negating flanking is op to have as a passive.

And that evasive strike damage is outta control man, 30 is already a lot

RE: All-Fight (Monk) - MothEnthusiast - 01-18-2024

To add to the above, a reminder that evasive strike proc against most things that hit multiple times. Rapid kick, as an example. Same problem as Riposte in that regard-- you miss multiple times with a rapid kick, you just flat out die.

RE: All-Fight (Monk) - FaeLenx - 01-18-2024

Is the point here that you think monk is underpowered? I don't really understand why this is framed this way as if every skill needs to be something individually great.

RE: All-Fight (Monk) - Cogster - 01-18-2024

You're turning an offensive boost into a defensive boost which goes against the concept of the passive. You can keep it at 10% and generate and equivalent amount of Ki. 

That or you can change it so that every new instance of damage the Monk does on a unique target from the last. Increase the damage boost of All-Fight by 5%, starting from 5% up to 15%. That way all those AoEs actually have some synergy.

RE: All-Fight (Monk) - Snake - 01-24-2024

Well, how about the following then:

Quote:All Fight

True monks know the value of time and being efficient, and therefore try to deal with as many enemies as possible at once. When damaging an enemy, if that enemy has not been damaged by the Monk in same round, the damage is increased by (5 + 5 for each enemy in 2 range)% and it generates (2 + 1 for each enemy in 2 range) Ki for the user.

Like this, it sticks to the plan, while being a buff overall that affects fights where the Monk is being surrounded. So this is a minimum of 5% and a maximum of 45% damage on All Fight's proc, depending on the situation over being a free damage buff.

NOTE: 45% damage will be with 9-ish enemies around you. So this way if they want to hit a meaty Setting Sun, they'd need to risk it and get into melee, instead of playing volleyball with Ki blasts. Monk is a melee class, and this buff would incentivize that behavior.

RE: All-Fight (Monk) - Raigen.Convict - 01-24-2024

Im for the second one.

RE: All-Fight (Monk) - Poruku - 01-25-2024

That's better, I'm down for making it a passive that makes them better at doing aoe within a crowd, it's unique and fits the skill's actual flavor