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Sleuthing, Investigating and Eavesdropping - Printable Version

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Sleuthing, Investigating and Eavesdropping - Ardratz - 03-25-2019

As a player of SL1 I miss quite a few things from the game. Just one of those is the Detective class, it's abilities and the Unique items it had access to. While some were good for combat there were also some items that were really good for RP purposes, such as the Night-Vision Goggles or the ever classic Wiretap.

I've been thinking of a way of how they would work in SL2 and honestly the best method I've come up with would be having them connected to traits. A pair of Detective Themed Traits that would require certain stats to have, like several others from the trait reckoning. I figure the requirement would be something along the line of 15-20 in Skill, Guile and maybe another stat (probably something like Will or Cel).

The first trait would be a sort of General Detective trait with bonuses to Handguns but also a RP bonus to 'sleuthing' such as increasing the distance they can hear says, emotes and whispers (mostly whispers).

The second trait would be the ability to craft the special items, this trait would be required to both craft and use the items giving them more importance and so that people can't just craft them, LE, and then use them.

As for some of the items the second trait can give access to I can imagine it could be new items like the wiretap or being able to upgrade some of the Detective Items Air gives out to make improved versions of the badge, coat, watch and boots, and so on. The Watch could get some Magic DR kinda like the one in SL1. Maybe they could even craft upgrade parts for Guns as well.

Of course there would also be the wiretap which honestly should just work like it did in SL1. Using it drops the invisible 'bug', it has a time limit before it fizzles out, it can 'hear' whispers from further away and through walls and of course it turns every single person it hears into 'Some Dame' but of course the person who used the Wiretap would be able to hear every single conversation within its 'range' no matter where they currently are.

Re: Sleuthing, Investigating and Eavesdropping - Miller - 03-25-2019

I like this idea a lot, SL2 is missing alot of the overworld gimmicks SL1 had and I think this would be fine to be implemented into SL2. It could function similarly to the Ninja Training trait as well; opening up a whole new branch of talents for having the first detective trait that provide bonuses like the ones brought up in OP already. (Increased hearing distance/bonus to handguns) While the second would let you use and craft the tools.

I can't say I have an idea of what stat requirements the traits should have however. WIL/SKI/GUI all sound good to me.

Re: Sleuthing, Investigating and Eavesdropping - Noxid - 03-25-2019

We have the detective items in the game. It would be neat if wearing those combined with traits gave thematic bonuses that made them worth it.

Re: Sleuthing, Investigating and Eavesdropping - Snake - 03-25-2019

Bring back more Detective gimmicks. ;_;7 And I agree that this would be good as a trait that unlocks a new talent tree with those extra utilities for non-combat reasons (or combat, when geared up with detective stuff), so more investment is required and people just don't become sudden detectives within a fruit. And also, feels more balanced like this, since you'll be sacrificing some of your 'combat capacity' to gain 'day-to-day capacity', like the Scavenger tree works.

Re: Sleuthing, Investigating and Eavesdropping - Autumn - 03-25-2019

I can get behind this, especially if it offers additional methods of roleplay, the mechanical part is just icing on the cake and can probably serve to make detectives play out more detective like in combat too.

Re: Sleuthing, Investigating and Eavesdropping - Slydria - 03-25-2019

I do think bringing back some of the Detective flair with Traits or Traits that unlock Talents would be nice to see.

I would also like to see the items Air sells get some tweaks (Camera Hat and Poison Dart never see the light of day due to how ineffective they currently are) or maybe if there's an addition of a Set Bonus for equipping a combination of say any 3 of those kinds of items.

Re: Sleuthing, Investigating and Eavesdropping - Sawrock - 03-25-2019

I love the idea of roleplay-use items such as the wiretap. Even though I wouldn't make a detective myself, I feel the game would be richer with the introduction of said tools and abilities.

Re: Sleuthing, Investigating and Eavesdropping - Blissey - 03-26-2019

This would be so watermelon. +200.

Re: Sleuthing, Investigating and Eavesdropping - PantherPrincess - 03-26-2019

This is actually cool, I'm 100% for it. I think you nailed the requirements on the head since Skill and Guile are pretty much stats a detective would have. I could see Will in there as well since from what I can tell its another stat relating to knowledge. +1 from me.

Re: Sleuthing, Investigating and Eavesdropping - DoctorMad - 03-26-2019

We got that Oracle trait that let them see past chatter, didn't we? I think this might actually happen.